10 December 2007

VLOG - 11/28/2007

Hi Everyone,
Hope you are doing well! I hardly ever get to update the blog these days, but I just wanted to let you know that all is well. In fact, my big boy bed is in the mail and should get here this week!! All this, and only 2 weeks till Santa Clause comes!! Its a busy time of year, but I will try to check in later.

31 October 2007

Happy Halloween Everybody!

Well, today is halloween, and this year I am dressing up as Thomas. I can't wait to get my constume on, but daddy said i had to wait until after school. i guess some of the kids at school are too little and might be afraid if everyone there was in a costume! (suck it up kids, this puts a damper on halloween!)

so when i get home tonight i am going to put my thomas the train costume on, and we are going to pass out candy to the kids that come. then oma and pop pop are going to come over to see me and then we are going to go trick or treating. this is where we go to the neighbors and knock on their door and say trick or treat! and i get one or 2 candies put in my bag that i get to eat when i get home.

oh, here is our jack o lantern. me and daddy made it on sunday and we took a video of it last night. (can you believe this, 3 videos in the last 2 days!!)

A Visit From Connor

Connor came over on saturday and we hung out. i asked mommy and daddy if i could feed him and they said yes! our camera was around (though running out of battery) so mommy shot some footage of it! hope you enjoy!

30 October 2007

Sprinkler in October!

its cooled down since, but we had some unheard of heat in October.
hope you are all doing well!

19 September 2007

VLOG - Big Boy Undies

Your comments and support are appreciated!

06 September 2007

First day of school!

Today is my first day back to school and I am rather excited. Daddy made this picture:

Wow how things have changed. Just looking at my old picture a couple of things come to mind. That crazy nook is gone! AND...one that might not be visible to all of you guys but, underneath there are NO MORE DIAPERS! Thats right, this year, school starts in big boy underwear!

I hope my first day is very exciting and I hope you all have a wonderful day too!

05 September 2007

School starts tomorrow!!

Wow, what a fast summer. Tomorrow school starts and I am spending my last day at home with Daddy today. Its been a great week and a half since camp ended and now its been preparation for school. Yesterday mommy took me to a playgroup at school with all my new (and old) classmates. There are 18 kids in my class and this year i am a big kid. There are a lot of girls this year!

The playgroup was lots of fun, I got to see my buddy Amelia and we shared together. Then me and mommy stopped and got McDonalds for lunch! Mmmmm. I had chicken nuggets. Me and daddy had a bit of a tiff when he wouldn't let me have the nuggets out of the box, which ended up in me hitting him, and me spending time in time-out!

Last night mommy and daddy had parents night at school and I got to play with all the kids in the playground. It was a blast! Then we got to go and see my classroom and I used the potty in there.

Potty training update you ask? Its going GREAT! Today marks one week of big boy underwear. In that time, I have had 5 accidents. But I have had a lot of success! I go my whole nap without wetting! I am still wearing pull ups at night to sleep in but soon, I will be able to wear the big boy underwear. mommy and daddy are really proud of me though.

hope you are all doing well and wish me luck at school!! i am really excited this year to be one of the big kids!

(Sorry for the lack of multimedia, soon, i promise!)

27 August 2007

Camp is out for Summer!

Hi Everyone, just thought I'd give a quick update. Friday was my last day of camp and I am off from school until the Thursday after Labor day! My summer vacation part two I guess! I think I will miss my friends at school, especially amelia, but she is going to be in my class next year. next year i will be a big kid in my class and will probably have to help the littler kids put their stuff away.

the talk of being a "big boy" is all through out the house. The potty is the biggest challenge right now. I threw my nook away about a month ago now and its the farthest thing from my brain. On Saturday me mommy and daddy took a trip to target and guess what? I got to pick out some big boy underwear! We picked out a bunch of pairs, and on Wednesday i get to start wearing them. daddy says it takes 4 days to wash them, otherwise i could have been wearing them today when i go to oma and pop-pops. I didn't get a good explanation on why it takes 4 days, sometimes mommy and daddy say things and then laugh with eachother. they think i don't understand i guess!

i hope you are all doing well!

15 August 2007

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Wow, your 30, can you believe it!?

Wait, are you 30 or 40, I keep getting confused. Oh well, hopefully no one will ask me tonight when we celebrate. I hope you liked the gift me and lucy got you!

Anyway, happy birthday! I hope you have an awesome day!!

26 July 2007

Long Time No Speak!

Wow, its been a really long time since we posted huh? Its definitely been a busy summer since June 18th. Lets see if I can remember, but most of what we did is captured in pictures on daddy's website, so go check it out.

In June, we went to the Outer Banks for a family vacation to a really big house that was really far away. There I went swimming for the first time in a VERY long time and I got to go on teh beach, in the sand, and in the ocean. The ocean does not excite me, especially when it is cold! Daddy says to give it time and I will like it. He and mommy picked out sand crabs for me and helped me build cool stuff out of sand. I also got to hang out with Chase, and it was fun chasing him around and wrestling and stuff. I wish I could hang out with him more, but he lives so far away.

After the beach we had Lexa's birthday party! Wow, can you believe you are one Lexa?? I remember last year when you were born! Happy Birthday, had a blast at your party!

Then 4th of July, we all came down with a minor stomach bug that saddled us in to skipping hte rain soaked fireworks show at Hartefeld. We did visit some of Mommy's friends who had a gigantic play room! There were toys everwhere. I could tell by the disapproving look in daddy's eyes that we would not be getting one of these soon!

Then we had a weekend birthday party for mommy and daddy at The Smedley's house in Delaware. I played by the pool and watched in amazement as Jake swam all over the place! Jake, you are a brave one, and a great swimmer! We shot water guns, played with cars, and met three little dogs there! The following weekend we headed to NJ for Benjamin's birthday. That was a long car trip!

I think I am finally caught up! Last night we went back to the cecil county fair and had a blast! I saw SO many animals! I even petted a COW! How many people born in Northern NJ get to say that! ha! We saw some great horses too, and then we got ice cream (chocolate) and mommy got some cotton candy. I tried a bite and spit it out, it tasted good but felt like paper in my mouth! Daddy and mommy just laughed, mommy said, don't push him Rick, if he doesn't like it...

btw..Rick is my daddy's name.

Things are going really well though at summer camp, I really like it there a lot. At home things are going well too. Last night when I was goofing around with my NUK (passifier) it broke. This morning I chose to throw it out. It was rough going to sleep tonight but this is my first full day without it. I miss it a lot, but daddy said that big boys don't need it anymore. He reminded me that since I can do all sorts of things by myself that I don't need it.

Potty training is going GREAT! I haven't pooped in a diaper or underwear in probably 3 weeks! CAn you believe it?? I am still not so great about going Pee pee when I have to, but give it time man! Mommy and daddy switched me to pull ups about 3 weeks ago and told me not to poop or pee in them. I think we will be going to big boy underwear very soon.

Videos coming soon, and thanks if you read THIS far!! cya!

18 June 2007

Ryan and Riley @ the PlayGround

Another video from daddy! He says I had so much fun in the swing that I was just laughing and laughing! I am glad I listened to him and tried it! Hope you enjoy, we have a special guest star this week.

Video is from June 9th, Aunt Jen's birthday by coincidence! happy birthday aunt jen!

14 June 2007

quick check in...

ok, so i am supposed to be napping right now but thought i would just make a quick post. couple things:

congratulations jake, i hear you are going to be a brother!

having a great time today with oma and pop-pop, more on that later.

on tuesday we didn't make it to the italian festival, we got rained out and settled for pat's pizza. mommy did take me over to milburn orchards to see the animals. we saw a HUGE pig and there was a great big sandbox for me to play in. check out the pics!

Last night we made it over to the Italian Festival and we had a great time! We forgot to take a lot of pictures but i had a great time eating a big spaghetti dinner and looking at all of the rides and people. on the way home we listened to my favorite veggie tales cd and all sang along!!

I do have to say, during dinner, we did have a bit of a mishap. i was climbing aroundon the bench even though mommy and daddy kept telling me to sit down or i would get hurt. Who would have thought they were right. i quickly slipped and hit my mouth on the table causing my poor little lip to be sliced open and bleeding! luckily we recovered fast and i got to put ICE on it. i love ice!! mommy tried to get a pic of the boo boo but couldn't capture me sticking out my lip!

Video coming soon, according to daddy! hope you are all well!!

12 June 2007

School's Out for Summer!

Well, Friday was my last day of school! It was a good day, mommy got to come in for a picnic lunch and we all got to go home early. It was fun because mommy brought pizza for lunch AND....RITA's for dessert! She brought enough for all of the kids who stayed for the picnic. isn't she great?!

just thought i'd throw in a text entry since i can't always get all my ideas across in the videos. btw...daddy got a lot of positive feedback from the last one. i think you might be encouraging a monster! hehe.

So, I am off from school this week, then camp starts next week. then vacation to the outer banks the week after. it should be a lot of fun. this week i am home with mommy and daddy most of the time and i think on thursday i will spend the day with oma and pop pop.

Tonight mommy and daddy and I are going to meet mom-mom and pop-pop at the Italian Festival in Wilmington. Last week we went to the Greek Festival and had honey balls! it was neat.

hope you are all doing well!!

03 June 2007

Happy Memorial Day 2007

Congratulations to Aunt Beth and Uncle PJ. My new cousin (brady) was born on Wed May 30th at around 7:30am. Daddy says it was a painful birth, whatever that means, because Aunt Beth couldnt' take any medicine. Hope you are feeling good now Aunt Beth!! Brady, as you can imagine, i don't like to share the spotlight, and neither does Riley, so you have a few things stacked against you....heheheh.

Also, congratulations mommy for passing your PA real estate exam!

Lastly, a "bideo"! Daddy told me to tell you all that he took a lot of editing liberties with this one, but he thinks it turned out pretty good. maybe an emmy is in order? whatever...

enjoy!! (just hit the play button)

21 May 2007

Happy Mother's Day (Belated!)

Daddy took some video of me after Mother's day, but he just got around to posting it. He said he tried his hand at doing some video editing just to see, so this video is a tad experimental! hope you all enjoy!


10 May 2007


Enjoy my interview. It didn't go so well, but we got the point across. Counting to 10 is still a work in progress! Counting to 10 in spanish? We will leave that to you Jake! :)

My trip to the dentist

Hi Everyone! I know posts are few and far between. I am probably getting less traffic since daddy's website has been offline too!

Yesterday i had my second trip to the dentist. when i was really young i had this multivitamin that stained my teeth and today the doctors finally got most of the stain off! it was fun at the dentist, and mommy said i was a really good boy! even the dental hygienest lady said i was pretty darn good for a two year old. they did have to do some scraping though, which i am sure you can imagine is not a fun experience! i am glad daddy had been playing dentist with me when i brush my teeth at home because i was all set to go!

happy birthday jake! sorry the bday message was late!

Happy Birthday Jake!

13 April 2007

Ryan VLOG - Fri Nose Pickin'

Hi Everyone!

Just thought I'd check in "old style". Things are going well with me. I am on spring break this week and have had some good down time. Today is my last day and I get to spend it with one of the greatest men ever, daddy! :)

Last week I am sad to say Gramby passed away. I don't remember Gramby, but daddy has been telling me all about her. we have also been saying prayers for her and grandad every night, special prayers.

we went on a very long car ride to aunt louise's house last weekend and we spent a few days there. i had a lot of fun hanging out with all my cousins and even getting teased by my uncles and even grandad! it was so great seeing you all!

potty training ... going well, not sure what mommy and daddy are waiting for in terms of the pullups!

speaking ... going really well too! stay tuned for more videos. we got a lot of positive feedback on the videos so we are going to keep going with them. hope you all are well!! good luck jake with your big move this weekend and i hope its warm where you are going! mommy seems very jealous!!

29 March 2007

Happy Birthday Riley!

Today Riley turns 1 so daddy took some video of me wishing her the best!

20 March 2007

been a while...

i know, its been a while since i posted right? maybe like, a month?

well, no way i can fill you in on the past month, so we will just move forward. Daddy has a new idea for my blog, check out my next entry...


btw...congratulations to selena/dave and jen/bill who BOTH had their babies in the last 2 weeks! can't wait to meet samantha and bella!

13 February 2007

I'm TWO today!!

Wow, all the hype thats been building up, its finally here. Today is my second birthday!! Whoo hoo!

Not only that, but it is snowing!

Just thought I'd drop a note to everyone and let you all know that I am doing well. At school right now and mommy and daddy made cupcakes last night for my birthday. we are going to celebrate in school today, hopefully we won't get snowed out though.

I have received birthday wishes from so many of you, and just wanted to say thanks! I am having a very small bday party on Saturday, so I think I will see some of you there.

As for whats been going on around here?

School is going great and I am learning so much. My speech and vocabulary is growing at leaps and bounds! I am stringing words together with ease and enjoy conversing with mommy and daddy.

Lucy has been having a field day chasing the deer in our yard. On Saturday she ran after them into the woods and daddy had to go lucy hunting for her. He found her and she was in big trouble. She has done the same thing on Sunday and yesterday too, each day getting in trouble. I think she is not as fast a learner as me! :)

Mommy and Daddy have finally taken notice of my new years resolution (that i never told them about). I have been putting all my toys away before moving onto another project or meal time. I am glad they are so proud of me.

Oh, and the potty right? I have been telling you guys all about it!

Daddy snapped this shot of me this morning, but I am using the potty every day now for the most part. Sometimes multiple times. I have even managed to go poop poop in the potty. You should have seen daddy's face the first time I did that one! I have managed to do that one other time as well. I am still in my diapers, but i heard mommy pushing daddy the other night about getting pull ups. For some reason that old man is reluctant. I am still mastering sitting on the potty though, it can be tough. I think once I master the sitting down part though, I can move onto the more traditional standing position like daddy does. Time will tell I guess.

Not too much going on here, hope you are all doing well! Tomorrow is also Valentine's day, so happy Valentines day to all of you! I am taking Thomas the Train valentines for school (assuming we don't get snowed out). I have to give one to everyone in my class. They are making out this week because of me, free cupcakes today, valentines tomorrow! Oh, and tomorrow is hot dog day! whoo hoo!

cya later!!

(my school cupcakes!)

31 January 2007

potty progress...teamwork!

whats gonna work?! teamwork!

my new tag line. the wonder pets save the cow episode is becoming a daily routine at home. i just love that story, and its so fun to watch and sing along. i love when the cow gets free from the tree! daddy changes the song to include my friends tim and tommy from school...its sooo funny!

me and daddy hit the potty before bed again tonight and whammo, got my pants off, diaper off, sat down and I pee pee'd! again! can you believe it!? i know daddy sure as heck couldn't. mommy didn't even make it in time to see (except what i left in the potty, oh, and a little on the floor), but she was psyched! we all high fived and went and got my jammies on. so far so good, the positive experiences are building up slowly.

not too much else going on. school has been going well, the kids are getting antsy with this cold weather and class has gotten a bit rougher as tempers flare, but as pretty much the youngest kid there, i'm holding my own. they just announced that they are starting a 12-18 months room at school too, so now there will be a whole class of kids that are younger than us. cool...hopefully we can help to mentor them like the older kids mentor us.

oh, baby riley, you left your loud loud choo choo here! and summer, your yamigashi game is here (or whatever its called). aunt beth, your toothbrush is here, i talk about it every time i brush my teeth and make sure its your still! :)

good night everone!

29 January 2007

more potty stories and oh, some party stories too!

well, last night i surprised myself AND mommy and daddy. as i told you in my last post, daddy and mommy got me to sit on the potty right before bath time the other night. well, we tried again last night, and this time i was very excited to sit on it. took a while to get comfortable but with daddy by my side it was OK. we were all astonished though when i actually went pee pee! yes! pee-pee!!! i pee'd in the potty!

ok ok... i know, long way to go, but it sure was a positive experience, and i hope to build on it! :)

happy birthday to aunt tracy and i had a great time at your surprise party. apparently i spent most of the night sleeping upstairs, but it was fun playing with Adam and Riley before hand with all of Lexa's toys. during the day aunt beth, summer, uncle pj, and riley came over to watch me and lucy while mommy and daddy went to another party during the day! that was such fun too!

aunt beth took great care of me and played with me a lot on the floor with my choo choos. who could ask for anything more than that! then yesterday mom-mom and anna stopped by to say hello. anna and summer took turns pushing me around the house on my car, whoo hooo! Summer also really enjoyed Tom, my new rockin' horse. hope she doesn't miss it too much!!

talk to you all soon!

26 January 2007

potty time....excellent....

hi everyone! i know i know...its been forever since i posted! things haven't been too busy, just thought I'd let some wonder and excitement build! :) heheh.

Not too much going on, but have been trying to really expand my vocabulary in the past few weeks. according to most, its expanding at a fascinating rate as to where if you talked to me before christmas break and talked to me now, i could probably talk back now, but couldn't then!

things though are going well. tonight before my bath i sat down on my new potty. it was pretty intimidating at first, but daddy sat on the potty next to me and then i sat on mine. it was pretty cool. plus, daddy showed me how to go pee pee sitting on the potty (even neater). i didn't have to go at the time, but i look forward to trying again. positive potty experience #1!

last week i had to go the dentist (negative dental experience #1). i have this staining issue with my teeth and we had to get the dentist to check it out. well, she wasn't that nice and the experience wasn't that fun. she did confirm there is nothing bad going on, which i am sure was a relief to mommy and daddy. i mean, we brush my teeth all the time, so i am not sure how anything that wasn't supposed to, could live in my mouth! so, i think i will go back to the dentist, but not any time too soon.

ok, thats it for now, all is well. i have been enjoying all my new and old toys and i htink my birthday is coming up in a few weeks. daddy and mommy keep showing me how to make a 2 with my fingers. i can't quite do it, but i have been practicing. i have a new favorite book, the little engine that could. i have been watching a little TV too. my favorite show is Wonder Pets. i really only like the one where they save the baby cow. i can sing most of the songs on there too (especially the TEAM WORK part!)


02 January 2007

back to school....(tomorrow)

back to school tomorrow. can't wait to see my buddy tim! I have expanded my vocabulary so much in the last couple weeks. lets see, our last day of school was dec 21st. So, it will have been 13 days off! i am pretty excited to get back though. i have played with all my toys pretty much, and most have entered into a "rotation" as daddy calls it. some of the batteries are even dying on them!! hope you all had a nice new years too. we didn't do much but a trip to home depot. new years eve at lexa's was pretty fun, lexa got some REALLY great toys to play with. not sure why we whisked out of there in the middle of the night, but i slept well all night, the first time the whole week.

talk to you all soon and hope you are enjoying reality again!