27 August 2007

Camp is out for Summer!

Hi Everyone, just thought I'd give a quick update. Friday was my last day of camp and I am off from school until the Thursday after Labor day! My summer vacation part two I guess! I think I will miss my friends at school, especially amelia, but she is going to be in my class next year. next year i will be a big kid in my class and will probably have to help the littler kids put their stuff away.

the talk of being a "big boy" is all through out the house. The potty is the biggest challenge right now. I threw my nook away about a month ago now and its the farthest thing from my brain. On Saturday me mommy and daddy took a trip to target and guess what? I got to pick out some big boy underwear! We picked out a bunch of pairs, and on Wednesday i get to start wearing them. daddy says it takes 4 days to wash them, otherwise i could have been wearing them today when i go to oma and pop-pops. I didn't get a good explanation on why it takes 4 days, sometimes mommy and daddy say things and then laugh with eachother. they think i don't understand i guess!

i hope you are all doing well!

15 August 2007

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Wow, your 30, can you believe it!?

Wait, are you 30 or 40, I keep getting confused. Oh well, hopefully no one will ask me tonight when we celebrate. I hope you liked the gift me and lucy got you!

Anyway, happy birthday! I hope you have an awesome day!!