27 August 2005

a little under the weather

well, its been so long since i updated! i have a whole vacation to tell you all about.

unfortunately i have come down with a nasty ear infection, a fever, and the case of the "can't keep it downs". I will write more later when I am feeling better.

15 August 2005

I made it

I made it past the 6 month mark! Whoo hoo! Saturday was the big day, and honestly, it was rather uneventful. Daddy did get some good pictures of me though, i guess to mark the occassion.

getting pretty excited for tonight's eagles/steelers preseason football game. it will be great fun to finally see the eagles in action. daddy talks about tehm so much, and granted, he did show me the superbowl and most of playoffs from last year. i think it will take me a while to have the appreciation, but i think i have already passed mommy in that area! she doesnt' seem as excited about the whole game.

speaking of mommy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY! I can't believe you are 28 years old! i am not even one yet! hope you have a good day though. daddy made all sorts of notes for her this morning, he got a bit earlier. i saw him put one on my crib too!

even more news...congratulation to aunt beth! she called last night and told us that her and PJ are getting married! can you believe it!? no doubt another little one will be on the way! Well, atleast that what daddy says!

not too much else going on. dadddy gave me and mommy a nice surprise on thursday when he decided to share his bonus with us. we went to babies r us and got 2 brand new car seats. i am ridin in style now baby. i haven't gotten to try out the one in daddy's car yet, but will later this afternoon when he picks me up from daycare. Should be good fun though.

grandpa took us out to dinner last night for mommy's birthday, and man, i was a good boy. i sat, fairly quietly, for over 2 hours at dinner! daddy even joked about me being so good that maybe they will take me to vegas with them later this week! (no offense, but i think i'd rather go to pop-pop and debbie's!) I sure will miss lucy though....

more to come later!

09 August 2005

approaching 6 months!

as mommy might say..."only 4 days till my half birthday!" :)

Six months is coming fast, i think that it is some sort of milestone for kids my age. mommy keeps talking about eating solid foods, and how she can't wait till i can eat it. not sure what this phenomenon is all about, but it sounds a bit scary. i mean, i like my similac advanced. its good stuff. plus, its making me big and strong. i hope this food stuff can keep my energy levels up!

had a pretty quiet weekend. we went to short hills mall to get mommy a new suit for her interview on thursday. still not clear on what an interview is, or what it means, but apparently she has to dress up real nice for it. daddy and i saw her keep taking on and off different suits until she found one she liked. then on sunday we took a trip to Lambertville, near pennsylvania. they have a nice town there, and we went to this gigantic flea market. mommy seemed pretty excited, but daddy told me a secret, its just everyone selling the junk in their basement!

yesterday there was a new girl at daycare. she was pretty good, and she slept a lot. maybe some competition in the area of "good baby". i still think mommy and daddy should get a refund though since i am so good. everytime daddy comes in, miss pat tells him how good i am. i am glad i am finally getting credit! those other kids are so needy, its rather annoying. i mean, i can't even crawl or walk, but i'm not complaining!

daddy is all excited for next monday...besides it being MOMMY's birthday, its the EAGLES vs. STEELERS on monday night! My first eagles game! E-A-G-L-E-S Eagles! Daddy said i get to stay up late and wear my Eagles gear. Its gonna be great watching the game together. hopefully i won't be too tired since it is on so late, but i'll do my best.

05 August 2005

sorry so long...been very busy!

sorry its been so long, but things have been hectic around here. daddy had to work a lot this week, so me and mommy have been picking up the slack! He didn't even mow the lawn last weekend. He is gonna have it tough this coming weekend, a long lawn and, its cleaning weekend!

to catch you up:
The wedding weekend was great! We had a good time in DE. Got to meet my great grand parents and a lot of other relatives. We went to the rehearsal dinner together, then i stayed with mom-mom and lucy saturday night while mommy and daddy went to the wedding. they had a really nice time! it was a tiring weekend though! a lot of people held me, including those crazy girl cousins of mine! ;)

got to the pool with mommy on wednesay (whom, by the way, passed her real estate exam last thursday! Congratulations MOMMY! We knew you could do it!). Granpa came over for dinner on wednesday too. he just moved himself back up closer to us, so it will be nice to have him close by and see him more often. i haven't been feeling all that well this week since wednesday. last night we went to the doctor who checked me out. (really i was checking her out...hehe). she said everything is fine, maybe since i am congested i am having a hard time digesting any extra "stuff" that i might be swallowing.

So, wish me feeling well! hope you are all doing well!