22 November 2005

so ya wanna know 'bout weddings?

hi everyone! what a week. basically, another week, another friggin cold! (scuse my language).

This full time daycare thing is kicking my immune system's butt right now. I am retooling though, and soon these little colds will be no match for me.

so, congrats to aunt beth and patrick (i guess, uncle patrick). i got to attend their (and my first) wedding. it was a lot of fun, though since i can't dance yet, i just sort of looked around. i got to see mommy and daddy dance a little too! goofy folks...

so, just before we headed out to DE is when my cold hit. I had just gotten over my last one. Needless to say, sleeping on friday night was awful. i was up every hour or so. this trend continued through to last night. hopefully tonight will be better and i can be ok by thanksgiving, because we are headed right back to DE. hmmm...now that i think about it, i wonder if my flu shot last wed had anything to do with my cold...grrr.

Day care has been ok, a short week this week. mommy dropped me off late on monday since she had a meeting close by. that way i didn't have to get up so early with daddy. the schedule is not so bad though. there are some entertaining little buggers in my daycare class! heheh. makes me giggle just thinking about it.

motor skills are coming a long, working hard. standing up is my favorite, but i can't pull up yet. i am getting there. daddy lowered my crib last night though, i guess cause i am getting older. he told mommy that the doctor recommended it. not crawling but moving and squirming pretty good. there is this really long white wire by the TV that i really want to play with. every time i get close though, someone moves me away. not clear whats happening there, but I WILL get that wire. that wire is my motivation!

Eagles season is not looking good. daddy said its ok though, that it probably wasn't good if they went to the superbowl my first year as a fan. he said i was born only 7 days after they were in the superbowl last year. we will continue to watch but hopes are dwindling. mommy doesn't know why we are going to watch, but just like daddy says, your a fan forever, not just when they are winning. i think maybe i can help explain some sports stuff to her because she has a hard time with it.

Ok, if i don't write, have a wonderful thanksgiving everyone! Things I am thankful for:
All of my aunt, uncles, cousins, grandparents
Miss Pat and all my day care providers
oh...and that white wire!


17 November 2005

full week of daycare

Hi Guys, sorry for the delay. Its been a busy week, I have a lot less free time with mommy working full time now and me going to daycare every day. Its been going well though, Daddy has been getting me up in teh morning, drivning me to day care and picking me up. He is pretty fun to hang around with. Yesterday he took me to my 9 month checkup with the doctor. It was his first time taking me to the doctor alone and he did pretty good.

Doctor weighed me in at 23 lbs 8oz. I think 28 inches in length. Lets see, weight wise I think was 90th percentile? length wise i was 50th percentile. People seem interested in those numbers. As for the rest, things are going good. Doc said i can start to eat foods like mommy and daddy as opposed to just the baby food. last night mommy gave me some ham? to eat. It was interesting. I just chewed on it for a while, tried to swallow it a couple times, but it was tough. My other food just flows right down :)

Doc also mentioned my motor development. he seemed pleased with my progress, but thinks I should be sitting myself up and start to pull mysself up. I have 6 weeks to make some progress before he said to call "the number". This weekend I sort of figured out how to move around on my belly. Its geting better each day, but getting across the room is actually possible now. I don't think it will take long mastering this movement stuff.

So, we are off to DE tomorrow for Aunt Beth and PJ's wedding. Hey, its my first wedding, can't wait! I wonder what happens there. I think maybe some dancing? I told the kids at daycare, some of them have already been to weddings before. They said a lot fo talking happens there, it sounds to me like Church or something. I will let you know how it goes.

Have a good weekend everyone!

09 November 2005

hows it going out there?

the sickness bug has hit again! Man, this is getting old. This time I caught a bad cold, I think it was from mommy, because she has been caughing like a seal! i had to stay home from daycare on monday because i was sick, and daddy stayed home with me. We hung out and played most of the day.

he was tired too from working on his deck all weekend too. Its nice, I got to spend some time on it this weekend so that i could supervise his work! Its coming along nicely though.

On Friday night we had a new babysitter come over and stay with me, Tiffany. She was nice and took good care of me. Then on Saturday, aunt jen came over to watch me. We had a great time. Mommy and Daddy went out 2 nights in a row! Wow! They said they hardly even did that before I was born! :)

Mommy starts back to work on Monday, so things are going to change with me going to daycare every day. I think Daddy is going to be dropping me off and picking me up most of the time. Lucy is going to be lonely at home too, hopefully we can catch each other up when we get home. I'm a little nervous, but I think it will be ok. daddy is just right across the parking lot, so he can be here in a giffy if i need him.

Oh...and how about this whole TO situation! Can you believe this guy! I mean, even I know to behave better than him. Maybe he can hire me as his personal council. I think i can help that guy a lot. Right now its looking like the Eagles won the battle with TO, but may have sacrificed some of their season. I hope they can turn things around. We play the cowpies on Monday night and then the giants. If we win both, we are right back in this thing! Keep your fingers crossed!

talk to you guys later!

01 November 2005

Halloween was a blast!

Ok...first halloween. general impessions...weird. overall, things went well, people look a lot different on halloween. it was fun though, and it was certainly different. apparently its time to start gearing up for the holidays! Daddy asked me to start thinking about Christmas gifts.

So, we went to the Halloween parade yesterday in town. It was nice, Daddy got to come home early and me, mommy, daddy, lucy, and granpa all went. I was dressed up like a Hershey Kiss. Yes, its kind of gay, but I pulled it off! Here is a picture!

Do you guys have a nice halloween?

Mommy was sick on Sunday so me and daddy watched the Broncos game. It was pretty awful but Daddy kept a good handle on his temper. I think he was tired from working on our deck all weekend. He said i could help him put the decking on (whatever that means) once the lumber gets here!

Anyway, mommy is all better, and I think me and daddy might be getting this thing. Hopefully not though. Oh, and 2 weeks until mommy goes back to work full time. i hope i adjust ok to full time day care! I am sure I will as I have no choice :(

Not much else going on, I have been learning some syllables to add to my babbling routine. If only I could put this eloquent writing into words there'd be no need for this blog. I have blurted out dah dah a number of times, but I am not sure thats what I wanted to come out.

Talk to you guys later!