btw...mommy and daddy got eachother a new camera for Christmas so you might see a picture explosion in the coming weeks!
Friday after thanksgiving was fairly quiet, we spent most of the day recovering (mommy was shopping) and then we headed over to mom-mom's for an informal pizza dinner with aunt louise and pop pop. aunt beth and uncle pj and riley were there but were on their way out. daddy took some pictures...

Then, on Saturday we wanted to go check out some Christmas trees and since we live out in the hills, we wanted to check out a local tree farm. Mommy found one in the newspaper that said they had LIVE reindeer on site! I didn't know what a reindeer was before that day, but i knew if it was anything like a deer, that it would be great! I am somewhat obsessed with Deer according to daddy and mommy. But hey, can you blame me! One of the reasons I like my Goodnight Gorilla book is because of the Deer and baby deer in there (which mommy and daddy keep calling giraffe).
The live reindeer were gigantic though and I got to be reminded about what a Christmas tree looked like. It was really busy there and people were cutting down the trees and putting them on their cars.

It was really neat there though, and we will probably head back to their or another farm to pick up our Christmas tree this weekend.
Saturday night we were invited to Pop-Pop and Oma's house for dinner. Right before that Aunt Jenn and Uncle Wasil stopped over to see me (well, to see our house). They stayed and played for a while and me and Chase got to play together with my Thomas trains and the sit and spin. Plus, I got to meet my newest cousin Olivia. She is just a really small baby right now and doesn't do too much. It was off to Pop-Pop's though for dinner and some visitation. We had a great time there and got to see Uncle Jim, Aunt Tracy, and Lexa there too. I think Lexa was sick though. I talked to her on the side, she said she was a little nervous for her Christening on Sunday. She heard that her head was going to get dunked in water (she heard this in day care) and I re-assured her that it would be fine. I hope Olivia heard me too because she is getting Christened on this coming Sunday! Here is me and Chase sharing some chips and dip! I love dipping things!!

Sunday was another fun filled day. We headed out early to Cornerstone church for Lexa's Christening. First we attended the Church service. I was pretty tired so I tried to stay a little low key, but I definitely got antsy toward the end. Daddy took me out to the lobby area and checked out the amenities there. After the mass everyone came out to the fountain and Pastor Paul performed the Christening. I was happy cause I got a couple cookies from my new friend Sandy who carried me around for a while! After the Christening we headed back to Uncle Jim and Aunt Tracy's house and had a party. It was fun, I spent a lot of time checking out the items in Uncle Jim's garage. He has 2 lawnmowers just like daddy and he had a weed whacker and tools just like daddy. I guess its a daddy thing to have all those tools.
I spent most of the day outside playing with Cassy and trying to get ICE, another favorite delicacy of mine, out of the cooler. I was hoping to play with Chase some more, but he slept nearly the whole time we were there, so that was a bummer. We had to leave after a couple of hours because I was getting really tired, though. Anyway, congratulations to Lexa on her Baptism!

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