The week started out school free! Monday I spent the day with Mom Mom and Pop Pop, and we had a great day together. Got to go to lunch and we stopped by the fire station and I got to see a big red fire engine. It was awesome. Tuesday I got to spend the day with Pop Pop and Oma at their house. We had a great time there too! They have some pretty cool toys there in the basement. Speaking of toys and school, Daddy built me a brand new shelf this week. Check it out:

Sweet huh? Master crafts man in the making!
Wednesday I went to the vacation care program at school. It was OK. Not that fun. Plus, I was kind of sick all week with a pretty bad cough. (I am finally better). Wed night was fun though, because we started getting everything ready for the big Thanksgiving meal. Mom and daddy were moving tables around, and cleaning, and setting the table. I helped as much as I could too. I did some dusting and some vacuuming. Yes, it was my FIRST time vacuuming! I quelled my fear of that thing and just trusted daddy that it wasn't going to hurt me, and yup, he was right. it was actually a lot of fun!
Thanksgiving was great and it was neat to see everyone jam into our house. there was football, and kids playing! Foosball was played too! We had a great and tiring time. I had some Turkey, but not much, and not much of the meal itself, but the rolls were great!
I was a good boy too! I will leave you with some pictures, but hope you all had a great thanksgiving!!

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