Hi Everyone! Did you guys all have a good weekend? We had a pretty good weekend. This weekend we had some visitors in the form of Uncle Jim, Aunt Tracy, and Cassy. Not to mention the little bugger thats in Aunt Tracy's stomach! hehe!
Friday started out OK. My hemangioma finally stopped bleeding and mommy and daddy went to their party. Granpa stayed with me and that was nice. he's pretty funny. he let me sleep with a small blanket too. I couldn't fall asleep so I went and forgot about my hemangioma and picked at it. Its bled quite a bit again...
But all was well on Saturday morning, but it was straight to the tub. Later the Earley's arrived and we had a nice afternoon visit and dinner at Leo's in hoboken. I am beginning to think that is mommy and daddy's favorite place cause we go there more than any other place. Mommy said they used to go a lot more when they were younger. I wonder if they mean my age.
Sunday we hung out around the house and lucy and cassidy were all over the place. Lucy's injury kept her in check most of the weekend though. Oh, did I tell you about Lucy's injury? Yes, we were the injury house this weekend. Surprised Aunt Tracy and Uncle Jim made it out of here. Anyway...Lucy has a Histiocytoma on her left elbow. Her dog walker Nikki spotted it on her friday because it was bleeding and oozing. I guess daddy and mommy were worreid about my wound that they missed lucy's. Daddy took her to the doctor to get it checked out. Not the same doctor as me, but a doctor that takes care of animals. Anyway, daddy found out tonight that it was indeed a histiocytoma and nothing worse.
Jeesh, i am losing my train of thought here. Sunday was quite, daddy wasn't feeling all that well so we just sat around and watched two great football games! Congratulations Pop Pop, Aunt Beth, and Kelly! Your team is in the superbowl! CAn you believe it. Daddy said last year on this same weekend he felt so happy because the Eagles were going to the Superbowl. He said that you guys must be feeling close to the same feeling. Yeah! I might even (and this will take some major momma convincing on your guys part) bring my Steelers bib to Pittsburgh. Oh Yeah, forgot to mention, we are going to Pittsburgh for the Superbowl to visit Jake and family.
Ok, enough rambling. Here are some photos of us hanging out this weekend:
Me and my bandage
Aunt Tracy amazed by my tricks!
Lucy and her wounded elbow
How YOU doin?
Those crazy dogs giving me the sniff
Funny Uncle Jim
More later...see y'ins (a little pittsburghese that daddy taught me)
23 January 2006
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Hey Little Man!! YES.. Aunt Beth was overjoyed to say the least with our victory over the Broncos last weekend!! WHAT A TEAM! I seriously don't think it'll be a bad idea to switch over! Just do me a favor and root root root for our Steelers.. [I always secretly want the Eagles to win for your Daddy & Uncle Jimmy, so hopefully you all can jump on our bandwagon!]We are probably going to be at PopPop's for the game! To be honest, I feel better about this one than I did the last two! It will great for you to be in Pittsburgh.. hope you're not asleep for the second half! Be sure to tell your buddy Jake I said hi and also Jimmy & Kelly! I hope your booboo goes away soon.. you are still the most handsome little 11 month old I ever met! Love you.. see you in a few weeks!
Aunt Beth, have fun with pop pop for the game! are you sure he is going to be home?
oh, and are you coming to my birthday party?
You bet Buddy!! And of course I'll be there to celebrate your first birthday! Wouldn't miss it for anything! :) xoxoxo
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