09 January 2006

Now, We're all sick!

Well, day 2 home from day care. Mommy and Daddy decided last evening that due to the state of my BMs, I should probably not head in to daycare. Daddy was going to work from home in the morning then mommy would go to work late and daddy would stay with me.

Here's how the weekend went. Friday was OK, probably the best day. No one threw up at all! :) My loose BMs were a concern cause I didn't want to get dehydrated. Lots of drinking, and some of that orange pedialyte stuff. Man, that hits the spot. I didn't sleep to good at all, in fact Daddy woke up with me at 5am and we went down to have some more pedialyte. Then we just slept on the couch. Mommy had a work meeting so me and daddy hung out till lunch time. Then granpa came over when mommy got home to help daddy paint the spare room (apparently for the 2nd time...but that was before my time). daddy wasn't looking to good when me and mommy got home from AC moore but painting was just about done. Thats when he disappeared for the night. He was apparently pretty sick and I dind't see much from him the rest of the night. Sunday was better though, daddy was coming around and so was I. However, I had some major BM explosions throughout the day that resulted in some impromptu baths.

So I guess last night was mommy's turn. She got the dreaded stomach virus, and not only that, she got it in teh middle of the night. She did not go into work at all today and so daddy is taking care of both of us. Oh...and did I mention, even Lucy got into the game. Mommy said that Sunday morning's wake up call was Lucy vomitting. Geesh...

Daddy spent much of the weekend cursing the daycare for the bacteria breeding ground it is. Then both mommy and daddy were saying how thankful they are for having flexible jobs because without that, they'd probably both be out of work!

Good news, I stood up in my pack and play this morning all by myself. I have been close for days, and this morning, both mommy and daddy saw me pull myself up to a standing position! Whoo hoo!

Ok, off to my nap. Wish us all good health! Here are some pictures of me in my new wagon that my cousin michael got me:

Wagon 1 and Wagon 2

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