12 January 2006

Back To Normal...Finally

Well, we are all finally better! Can you believe this sickness? I mean, who would have believed that I or we, or one of us even, would be sick on average of every 2 weeks. So far, even though this winter has been pretty warm, its been rough.

Just a quick thanks to mommy and daddy who have been dealing with some projectile vomitting and major major poop explosions! Your the best guys! This has of course resulted in a lot of extra baths!
Oh, and Lucy....I know it must be tempting to eat my poo...but its really not good for you!

Boy...day care has been pretty quiet this week. I think the whole place got attacked by that stomach virus. Can someone say short-staffed? I mean, they asked me to answer phones today! heheh...just a little humor. Found out that Miss Pat's husband is in the hospital too, so hopefully he will get better soon and Miss Pat will be back shortly...but Miss Jan has been taking great care of me, plus i get to hang out with miss nicole a little more too...and well...well...nevermind...

So, this standing up thing i did the other, i just can't seem to recreate it. i thought a few times that i had it and before i knew it i was face down in the carpet! i seem to be falling around a lot more these days. this movement stuff is so addicting though. just when i think i can't move in any other method, whammo, i do something really cool and just want to try try again. daddy has me working on waving bye bye, and i have done that successfully on command for him a few times. i like to throw him a bone every so often!

not much planned for the weekend, prolly just hang around the house and work on standing and stuff. hope you guys are all doing well and talk to you soon!

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