19 January 2006

Ouch Man

tough week...so that red thing that was growing near my forehead...yeah, remember that thing? Well, today i was laying in my crib at daycare just about to dose off when i itched the darn thing. well, before i knew it, my long incisor like nails (eh hem, please cut my nails parents!), blood was everywhere! Apparently this thing is a volcano ready to blow. It almost resulted in an early dismissal from daycare, but luckily they handled the situation with a couple calls from mommy and the doctor adn lunch time visit by daddy.

So, I guess I scraped off either a mild Hemangioma or a mild Pyogenic Granuloma. The doc couldn't tell which it was because I did anumber on it. We will go to see a pediatric dermatologist pretty soon i think. whatever it is, it was just a red bump on my forhead that most likely would go away on its on in a couple of years. Not much they can do about it. Here is a picutre of me and my bandage:

Me ...oucho!

Gearing up for an exciting weekend. We are having guests! Its been a while since we have had any guests. I hope unlce jim and aunt tracy don't mind my semi regularly nightly tirades! heeheehee. I think they are bring cassy, their big yellow dog, so she and lucy can romp about. Should be pretty darn crazy at home!

And on another note...daddy says that since we have a pretty large pittsburgh contingent that we should be rooting for the steelers to get to the superbowl this year, so seeing that the Eagles are out, Go Steelers!!

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