30 January 2006

monday and off to the doc

today is my appointment with the dermatologist. we should finally get to the bottom of what that thing is on my forehead. daddy thinks is definitely a mild Hemangioma, but I hope we will find out for sure. it was healing up nicely until sat night when i picked at it again and opened the flood (or rather blood) gates.

not sure what the doc will do, but hopefully something. getting this band aid applied all the time and removed all the time is getting old fast. oh, and daddy, mommy, please...try not to put the thing over my hair!! Did you ever have a bandaid torn from your skin taking half a head of hair off! jeesh.

we had a nice weekend. i am getting closer and closer to taking those first solo steps. this weekend i was walking all around the house with the help of m&d and my new toy that my friend Gabriel lent me. its a walking toy that i can push around. i still can't get over how fast i can get places in this new way of moving. i wonder what comes after walking!! though with the good comes the bad. i think i fell and bumped something about 10 times yesterday. falling is scary and usually ends with a big thud and a few flashes of light. it comes easy too if i don't concentrate on what i'm doing. each day it gets a little easier though and i get a little more confident.

gearing up for a short week, then a long long car trip to Pittsburgh. i heard mommy say she is dreading the trip. not sure what that means for me, but daddy told me this morning that it is a long trip and we will be in the car for a long long time. i like how he tries to "prepare" me, but not sure how affective that can be at this point.

Talk to you all soon!

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