17 January 2006

Fever...no daycare (well, except mommy)

Yup...fever. 102.9 yesterday. Got me out of daycare and a visit to the Doc. Doc says my throat was pretty raw, took a throat culture, but nothing came of it. So, thankfully mommy picked me up from daycare and is missing work so she can stay home with me. Actually I feel fine and dandy, but the day care won't let me back until i am fever free for 24 hours. No skin of my back. That germ whole can live without me for a day or so.

I do feel bad that mommy and daddy have to keep missing work, but there is not much I can do. I have tried not putting things in my mouth at day care, but its just too darn hard, and is that really "living" anyway? Plus, you'd think with this strict sick policy, no one would be getting sick. Well, doesn't happen, in fact, most of the daycare got nailed by the stomach virus a little over a week ago. Oh well though, luckily so far, mommy and daddy's jobs have been very understanding.

Not too much else going on. I have been really enjoying standing, the view is much better. Daddy takes me on "guided walks" where he holds my hands and i move my feet forward. That is fun too. I don't think I am close to being able to do this on my own (and I am not sure anyone wants me to be, yet), but I think i am doing pretty good for 11 months old!

Uncle Jim and Aunt Tracy are coming for a visit this weekend, oh, and Friday Granpa is coming over to watch me while mommy and daddy go to a recognition event for mommy's pink tie ball. So, it should be a pretty fun weekend (barring sickness).

Hope you all are sniffle free!

1 comment:

the ry-man said...

Thanks Aunt Tracy, can't wait to see you guys and Cassy!