today is my appointment with the dermatologist. we should finally get to the bottom of what that thing is on my forehead. daddy thinks is definitely a mild Hemangioma, but I hope we will find out for sure. it was healing up nicely until sat night when i picked at it again and opened the flood (or rather blood) gates.
not sure what the doc will do, but hopefully something. getting this band aid applied all the time and removed all the time is getting old fast. oh, and daddy, mommy, please...try not to put the thing over my hair!! Did you ever have a bandaid torn from your skin taking half a head of hair off! jeesh.
we had a nice weekend. i am getting closer and closer to taking those first solo steps. this weekend i was walking all around the house with the help of m&d and my new toy that my friend Gabriel lent me. its a walking toy that i can push around. i still can't get over how fast i can get places in this new way of moving. i wonder what comes after walking!! though with the good comes the bad. i think i fell and bumped something about 10 times yesterday. falling is scary and usually ends with a big thud and a few flashes of light. it comes easy too if i don't concentrate on what i'm doing. each day it gets a little easier though and i get a little more confident.
gearing up for a short week, then a long long car trip to Pittsburgh. i heard mommy say she is dreading the trip. not sure what that means for me, but daddy told me this morning that it is a long trip and we will be in the car for a long long time. i like how he tries to "prepare" me, but not sure how affective that can be at this point.
Talk to you all soon!
30 January 2006
26 January 2006
Thu - boo boo's galore big and little
yesterday day care sent me home with the ouch report. so "A" (name changed for security sake) and i were hanging out on the mat at daycare and he was showing me how he can climb over the mat, over the bump in the mat, then land on his feet on the other side. so he is pretty nimble...the guy can walk, i am still a scooter, but i was convinced i could pull off this manuever. well, i climbed over the mat, and over the bump, but landed on not my feet...but my nose. so i gotta little rugburn. its all good though, daddy said it makes me look tough.
later in the after, "A" and "K" were walking around pushing the cribs around...they never wait for me though. it takes me longer because i have to hold onto things and often by the time i catch up they are gone! so i get to the crib to push it, but "A" moved it and whoomp. right on my rear. i will catch up with those guys soon and wont' be intimidated by them!
man, how bout that wind last night? i think i felt the house shake a few times. i couldn't get "Big Little" out of my head, specifically the pages that say, "Ladies are big" and the next page "Lady bugs are little". What the heck is a lady bug? And do ladies and lady bugs where the same outfit?
later in the after, "A" and "K" were walking around pushing the cribs around...they never wait for me though. it takes me longer because i have to hold onto things and often by the time i catch up they are gone! so i get to the crib to push it, but "A" moved it and whoomp. right on my rear. i will catch up with those guys soon and wont' be intimidated by them!
man, how bout that wind last night? i think i felt the house shake a few times. i couldn't get "Big Little" out of my head, specifically the pages that say, "Ladies are big" and the next page "Lady bugs are little". What the heck is a lady bug? And do ladies and lady bugs where the same outfit?
23 January 2006
Its Monday - the Earley's were in the house
Hi Everyone! Did you guys all have a good weekend? We had a pretty good weekend. This weekend we had some visitors in the form of Uncle Jim, Aunt Tracy, and Cassy. Not to mention the little bugger thats in Aunt Tracy's stomach! hehe!
Friday started out OK. My hemangioma finally stopped bleeding and mommy and daddy went to their party. Granpa stayed with me and that was nice. he's pretty funny. he let me sleep with a small blanket too. I couldn't fall asleep so I went and forgot about my hemangioma and picked at it. Its bled quite a bit again...
But all was well on Saturday morning, but it was straight to the tub. Later the Earley's arrived and we had a nice afternoon visit and dinner at Leo's in hoboken. I am beginning to think that is mommy and daddy's favorite place cause we go there more than any other place. Mommy said they used to go a lot more when they were younger. I wonder if they mean my age.
Sunday we hung out around the house and lucy and cassidy were all over the place. Lucy's injury kept her in check most of the weekend though. Oh, did I tell you about Lucy's injury? Yes, we were the injury house this weekend. Surprised Aunt Tracy and Uncle Jim made it out of here. Anyway...Lucy has a Histiocytoma on her left elbow. Her dog walker Nikki spotted it on her friday because it was bleeding and oozing. I guess daddy and mommy were worreid about my wound that they missed lucy's. Daddy took her to the doctor to get it checked out. Not the same doctor as me, but a doctor that takes care of animals. Anyway, daddy found out tonight that it was indeed a histiocytoma and nothing worse.
Jeesh, i am losing my train of thought here. Sunday was quite, daddy wasn't feeling all that well so we just sat around and watched two great football games! Congratulations Pop Pop, Aunt Beth, and Kelly! Your team is in the superbowl! CAn you believe it. Daddy said last year on this same weekend he felt so happy because the Eagles were going to the Superbowl. He said that you guys must be feeling close to the same feeling. Yeah! I might even (and this will take some major momma convincing on your guys part) bring my Steelers bib to Pittsburgh. Oh Yeah, forgot to mention, we are going to Pittsburgh for the Superbowl to visit Jake and family.
Ok, enough rambling. Here are some photos of us hanging out this weekend:
Me and my bandage
Aunt Tracy amazed by my tricks!
Lucy and her wounded elbow
How YOU doin?
Those crazy dogs giving me the sniff
Funny Uncle Jim
More later...see y'ins (a little pittsburghese that daddy taught me)
Friday started out OK. My hemangioma finally stopped bleeding and mommy and daddy went to their party. Granpa stayed with me and that was nice. he's pretty funny. he let me sleep with a small blanket too. I couldn't fall asleep so I went and forgot about my hemangioma and picked at it. Its bled quite a bit again...
But all was well on Saturday morning, but it was straight to the tub. Later the Earley's arrived and we had a nice afternoon visit and dinner at Leo's in hoboken. I am beginning to think that is mommy and daddy's favorite place cause we go there more than any other place. Mommy said they used to go a lot more when they were younger. I wonder if they mean my age.
Sunday we hung out around the house and lucy and cassidy were all over the place. Lucy's injury kept her in check most of the weekend though. Oh, did I tell you about Lucy's injury? Yes, we were the injury house this weekend. Surprised Aunt Tracy and Uncle Jim made it out of here. Anyway...Lucy has a Histiocytoma on her left elbow. Her dog walker Nikki spotted it on her friday because it was bleeding and oozing. I guess daddy and mommy were worreid about my wound that they missed lucy's. Daddy took her to the doctor to get it checked out. Not the same doctor as me, but a doctor that takes care of animals. Anyway, daddy found out tonight that it was indeed a histiocytoma and nothing worse.
Jeesh, i am losing my train of thought here. Sunday was quite, daddy wasn't feeling all that well so we just sat around and watched two great football games! Congratulations Pop Pop, Aunt Beth, and Kelly! Your team is in the superbowl! CAn you believe it. Daddy said last year on this same weekend he felt so happy because the Eagles were going to the Superbowl. He said that you guys must be feeling close to the same feeling. Yeah! I might even (and this will take some major momma convincing on your guys part) bring my Steelers bib to Pittsburgh. Oh Yeah, forgot to mention, we are going to Pittsburgh for the Superbowl to visit Jake and family.
Ok, enough rambling. Here are some photos of us hanging out this weekend:
Me and my bandage
Aunt Tracy amazed by my tricks!
Lucy and her wounded elbow
How YOU doin?
Those crazy dogs giving me the sniff
Funny Uncle Jim
More later...see y'ins (a little pittsburghese that daddy taught me)
19 January 2006
Ouch Man
tough that red thing that was growing near my forehead...yeah, remember that thing? Well, today i was laying in my crib at daycare just about to dose off when i itched the darn thing. well, before i knew it, my long incisor like nails (eh hem, please cut my nails parents!), blood was everywhere! Apparently this thing is a volcano ready to blow. It almost resulted in an early dismissal from daycare, but luckily they handled the situation with a couple calls from mommy and the doctor adn lunch time visit by daddy.
So, I guess I scraped off either a mild Hemangioma or a mild Pyogenic Granuloma. The doc couldn't tell which it was because I did anumber on it. We will go to see a pediatric dermatologist pretty soon i think. whatever it is, it was just a red bump on my forhead that most likely would go away on its on in a couple of years. Not much they can do about it. Here is a picutre of me and my bandage:
Me ...oucho!
Gearing up for an exciting weekend. We are having guests! Its been a while since we have had any guests. I hope unlce jim and aunt tracy don't mind my semi regularly nightly tirades! heeheehee. I think they are bring cassy, their big yellow dog, so she and lucy can romp about. Should be pretty darn crazy at home!
And on another note...daddy says that since we have a pretty large pittsburgh contingent that we should be rooting for the steelers to get to the superbowl this year, so seeing that the Eagles are out, Go Steelers!!
So, I guess I scraped off either a mild Hemangioma or a mild Pyogenic Granuloma. The doc couldn't tell which it was because I did anumber on it. We will go to see a pediatric dermatologist pretty soon i think. whatever it is, it was just a red bump on my forhead that most likely would go away on its on in a couple of years. Not much they can do about it. Here is a picutre of me and my bandage:
Me ...oucho!
Gearing up for an exciting weekend. We are having guests! Its been a while since we have had any guests. I hope unlce jim and aunt tracy don't mind my semi regularly nightly tirades! heeheehee. I think they are bring cassy, their big yellow dog, so she and lucy can romp about. Should be pretty darn crazy at home!
And on another note...daddy says that since we have a pretty large pittsburgh contingent that we should be rooting for the steelers to get to the superbowl this year, so seeing that the Eagles are out, Go Steelers!!
17 January 2006 daycare (well, except mommy)
Yup...fever. 102.9 yesterday. Got me out of daycare and a visit to the Doc. Doc says my throat was pretty raw, took a throat culture, but nothing came of it. So, thankfully mommy picked me up from daycare and is missing work so she can stay home with me. Actually I feel fine and dandy, but the day care won't let me back until i am fever free for 24 hours. No skin of my back. That germ whole can live without me for a day or so.
I do feel bad that mommy and daddy have to keep missing work, but there is not much I can do. I have tried not putting things in my mouth at day care, but its just too darn hard, and is that really "living" anyway? Plus, you'd think with this strict sick policy, no one would be getting sick. Well, doesn't happen, in fact, most of the daycare got nailed by the stomach virus a little over a week ago. Oh well though, luckily so far, mommy and daddy's jobs have been very understanding.
Not too much else going on. I have been really enjoying standing, the view is much better. Daddy takes me on "guided walks" where he holds my hands and i move my feet forward. That is fun too. I don't think I am close to being able to do this on my own (and I am not sure anyone wants me to be, yet), but I think i am doing pretty good for 11 months old!
Uncle Jim and Aunt Tracy are coming for a visit this weekend, oh, and Friday Granpa is coming over to watch me while mommy and daddy go to a recognition event for mommy's pink tie ball. So, it should be a pretty fun weekend (barring sickness).
Hope you all are sniffle free!
I do feel bad that mommy and daddy have to keep missing work, but there is not much I can do. I have tried not putting things in my mouth at day care, but its just too darn hard, and is that really "living" anyway? Plus, you'd think with this strict sick policy, no one would be getting sick. Well, doesn't happen, in fact, most of the daycare got nailed by the stomach virus a little over a week ago. Oh well though, luckily so far, mommy and daddy's jobs have been very understanding.
Not too much else going on. I have been really enjoying standing, the view is much better. Daddy takes me on "guided walks" where he holds my hands and i move my feet forward. That is fun too. I don't think I am close to being able to do this on my own (and I am not sure anyone wants me to be, yet), but I think i am doing pretty good for 11 months old!
Uncle Jim and Aunt Tracy are coming for a visit this weekend, oh, and Friday Granpa is coming over to watch me while mommy and daddy go to a recognition event for mommy's pink tie ball. So, it should be a pretty fun weekend (barring sickness).
Hope you all are sniffle free!
12 January 2006
Back To Normal...Finally
Well, we are all finally better! Can you believe this sickness? I mean, who would have believed that I or we, or one of us even, would be sick on average of every 2 weeks. So far, even though this winter has been pretty warm, its been rough.
Just a quick thanks to mommy and daddy who have been dealing with some projectile vomitting and major major poop explosions! Your the best guys! This has of course resulted in a lot of extra baths!
Oh, and Lucy....I know it must be tempting to eat my poo...but its really not good for you! care has been pretty quiet this week. I think the whole place got attacked by that stomach virus. Can someone say short-staffed? I mean, they asked me to answer phones today! heheh...just a little humor. Found out that Miss Pat's husband is in the hospital too, so hopefully he will get better soon and Miss Pat will be back shortly...but Miss Jan has been taking great care of me, plus i get to hang out with miss nicole a little more too...and well...well...nevermind...
So, this standing up thing i did the other, i just can't seem to recreate it. i thought a few times that i had it and before i knew it i was face down in the carpet! i seem to be falling around a lot more these days. this movement stuff is so addicting though. just when i think i can't move in any other method, whammo, i do something really cool and just want to try try again. daddy has me working on waving bye bye, and i have done that successfully on command for him a few times. i like to throw him a bone every so often!
not much planned for the weekend, prolly just hang around the house and work on standing and stuff. hope you guys are all doing well and talk to you soon!
Just a quick thanks to mommy and daddy who have been dealing with some projectile vomitting and major major poop explosions! Your the best guys! This has of course resulted in a lot of extra baths!
Oh, and Lucy....I know it must be tempting to eat my poo...but its really not good for you! care has been pretty quiet this week. I think the whole place got attacked by that stomach virus. Can someone say short-staffed? I mean, they asked me to answer phones today! heheh...just a little humor. Found out that Miss Pat's husband is in the hospital too, so hopefully he will get better soon and Miss Pat will be back shortly...but Miss Jan has been taking great care of me, plus i get to hang out with miss nicole a little more too...and well...well...nevermind...
So, this standing up thing i did the other, i just can't seem to recreate it. i thought a few times that i had it and before i knew it i was face down in the carpet! i seem to be falling around a lot more these days. this movement stuff is so addicting though. just when i think i can't move in any other method, whammo, i do something really cool and just want to try try again. daddy has me working on waving bye bye, and i have done that successfully on command for him a few times. i like to throw him a bone every so often!
not much planned for the weekend, prolly just hang around the house and work on standing and stuff. hope you guys are all doing well and talk to you soon!
09 January 2006
Now, We're all sick!
Well, day 2 home from day care. Mommy and Daddy decided last evening that due to the state of my BMs, I should probably not head in to daycare. Daddy was going to work from home in the morning then mommy would go to work late and daddy would stay with me.
Here's how the weekend went. Friday was OK, probably the best day. No one threw up at all! :) My loose BMs were a concern cause I didn't want to get dehydrated. Lots of drinking, and some of that orange pedialyte stuff. Man, that hits the spot. I didn't sleep to good at all, in fact Daddy woke up with me at 5am and we went down to have some more pedialyte. Then we just slept on the couch. Mommy had a work meeting so me and daddy hung out till lunch time. Then granpa came over when mommy got home to help daddy paint the spare room (apparently for the 2nd time...but that was before my time). daddy wasn't looking to good when me and mommy got home from AC moore but painting was just about done. Thats when he disappeared for the night. He was apparently pretty sick and I dind't see much from him the rest of the night. Sunday was better though, daddy was coming around and so was I. However, I had some major BM explosions throughout the day that resulted in some impromptu baths.
So I guess last night was mommy's turn. She got the dreaded stomach virus, and not only that, she got it in teh middle of the night. She did not go into work at all today and so daddy is taking care of both of us. Oh...and did I mention, even Lucy got into the game. Mommy said that Sunday morning's wake up call was Lucy vomitting. Geesh...
Daddy spent much of the weekend cursing the daycare for the bacteria breeding ground it is. Then both mommy and daddy were saying how thankful they are for having flexible jobs because without that, they'd probably both be out of work!
Good news, I stood up in my pack and play this morning all by myself. I have been close for days, and this morning, both mommy and daddy saw me pull myself up to a standing position! Whoo hoo!
Ok, off to my nap. Wish us all good health! Here are some pictures of me in my new wagon that my cousin michael got me:
Wagon 1 and Wagon 2
Here's how the weekend went. Friday was OK, probably the best day. No one threw up at all! :) My loose BMs were a concern cause I didn't want to get dehydrated. Lots of drinking, and some of that orange pedialyte stuff. Man, that hits the spot. I didn't sleep to good at all, in fact Daddy woke up with me at 5am and we went down to have some more pedialyte. Then we just slept on the couch. Mommy had a work meeting so me and daddy hung out till lunch time. Then granpa came over when mommy got home to help daddy paint the spare room (apparently for the 2nd time...but that was before my time). daddy wasn't looking to good when me and mommy got home from AC moore but painting was just about done. Thats when he disappeared for the night. He was apparently pretty sick and I dind't see much from him the rest of the night. Sunday was better though, daddy was coming around and so was I. However, I had some major BM explosions throughout the day that resulted in some impromptu baths.
So I guess last night was mommy's turn. She got the dreaded stomach virus, and not only that, she got it in teh middle of the night. She did not go into work at all today and so daddy is taking care of both of us. Oh...and did I mention, even Lucy got into the game. Mommy said that Sunday morning's wake up call was Lucy vomitting. Geesh...
Daddy spent much of the weekend cursing the daycare for the bacteria breeding ground it is. Then both mommy and daddy were saying how thankful they are for having flexible jobs because without that, they'd probably both be out of work!
Good news, I stood up in my pack and play this morning all by myself. I have been close for days, and this morning, both mommy and daddy saw me pull myself up to a standing position! Whoo hoo!
Ok, off to my nap. Wish us all good health! Here are some pictures of me in my new wagon that my cousin michael got me:
Wagon 1 and Wagon 2
06 January 2006 its been a while
Hi everyone, merry christmas and happy new year!
I know its been a while, but we are a busy family! Two full time jobs, a full time daycare student, and a dog! Geesh.
Hope everyone had a nice Christmas. I finally get it. I had a great time sharing with my family such wonderful moments! Luckily we got to see most everyone. I got some really great gifts too, which I am very thankful for. I know not all kids are as lucky as me, but i hope some day they can be.
I am sick again today, and got kicked out of day care. Last night I threw up a couple times but mommy and daddy thought it was just my dinner from Applebees. Well, not so. I should have told them, but Miss K told them when daddy dropped me off. Yesterday my buddy G (name changed) was sick and I guess I cuaght it from him and some other kids. I guess its a 24 hour stomach bug because I feel better now, but they sent me home witha slight fever and some loose stools! Poor mommy and daddy have to change their whole schedule around to get me home!
OH well. Things are going pretty well though. I have been crawling all around everywhere. I can pull myself to my knees and have almost pulled myself up to my feet a couple times. Getting closer there. I think my arms are getting stronger too.
Not too much else going on for now. Quick updates: Eagles are out, poor daddy; Mommy is busy with work like crazy; Daddy has a chip fracture in his ankle but is just about to swear off physical therapy; Lucy is Lucy, one of my best friends who has the best darn toys around; shhh...mommy and daddy have been looking at houses in Pennsylvania...not sure what that means; Holiday pics are up on daddy's website; Daddy fixed teh big tub so now i don't have to bathe in the sink!
OH...and how about this. My cousin summer got a puppy for Christmas!
OH...and how about this...TWO new cousins on the way. Aunt Beth and Uncle PJ are expecting and so are Uncle Jim and Aunt Tracy! Wow.
Hope you are all well and look forward to hearing about your holidays! Chime in, anonymous reading is OK, but its much more fun if I know your reading! :)
I know its been a while, but we are a busy family! Two full time jobs, a full time daycare student, and a dog! Geesh.
Hope everyone had a nice Christmas. I finally get it. I had a great time sharing with my family such wonderful moments! Luckily we got to see most everyone. I got some really great gifts too, which I am very thankful for. I know not all kids are as lucky as me, but i hope some day they can be.
I am sick again today, and got kicked out of day care. Last night I threw up a couple times but mommy and daddy thought it was just my dinner from Applebees. Well, not so. I should have told them, but Miss K told them when daddy dropped me off. Yesterday my buddy G (name changed) was sick and I guess I cuaght it from him and some other kids. I guess its a 24 hour stomach bug because I feel better now, but they sent me home witha slight fever and some loose stools! Poor mommy and daddy have to change their whole schedule around to get me home!
OH well. Things are going pretty well though. I have been crawling all around everywhere. I can pull myself to my knees and have almost pulled myself up to my feet a couple times. Getting closer there. I think my arms are getting stronger too.
Not too much else going on for now. Quick updates: Eagles are out, poor daddy; Mommy is busy with work like crazy; Daddy has a chip fracture in his ankle but is just about to swear off physical therapy; Lucy is Lucy, one of my best friends who has the best darn toys around; shhh...mommy and daddy have been looking at houses in Pennsylvania...not sure what that means; Holiday pics are up on daddy's website; Daddy fixed teh big tub so now i don't have to bathe in the sink!
OH...and how about this. My cousin summer got a puppy for Christmas!
OH...and how about this...TWO new cousins on the way. Aunt Beth and Uncle PJ are expecting and so are Uncle Jim and Aunt Tracy! Wow.
Hope you are all well and look forward to hearing about your holidays! Chime in, anonymous reading is OK, but its much more fun if I know your reading! :)
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