mommy says i have become quite the help around the house too. helping her with the laundry and the dishwasher and even setting the table. its been great fun. daddy has been using my services too. this week we cut the lawn together! it was awesome riding on the mower and going around the turns. then i helped him set up the sprinkler for the past couple nights too. you wonder why i am so tired at night!! anyone say child labor laws?! he he.
we had a good weekend, saturday was my school's fall festival where i proceeded to not enjoy the moonbounce, and win lots of great prizes including a nice wooden train whistle. the bigger kids went down this HUGE blowup slide that was as tall as our house. that wasa pretty good time there. i won adn ate a lolly pop and then we stopped by mom-mom's for dinner. sunday we went pumpkin picking (attaching a few pictures) after the picnic we were supposed to go to got rained out. The final pictures are from monday when we picked up Cassidy and brought her over to our house to play with Lucy. They had a great time running around!!

Hope you all are doing well! School is going great. Tuesday night is mommy's class night so me and daddy are going to hang out. he always finds something really fun for us to do.
oh...go Eagles!! Beat the Packers last night (as we all suspected). this week the moo's are coming to town with TeeeOh. Daddy thinks its the same cowboys from brokeback mountain, whatever that means. all i know is, we better win!!
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