12 September 2006

shh...monday update

ok, i was able to sneak away for a minute at school. i found this computer in the backroom and thought i'd give you all an update on school.

yesterday we had a rough start. after an AWESOME weekend with daddy (mommy was traveling) i had to go back to t his place. i kind of forgot about that whole thing (even though mommy and daddy constantly try to pound positive influence about school and teachers into my head). it was rough seeing mommy leave and drop me off, but once the day got rolling i had a pretty good day. i ate a good lunch and even had good nap on a cot! Miss Valerie said i slep for almost an hour and a half there. I could have slept longer, but heck, its a cot man. i need a crib if you know what i'm sayin...

so, all in all, it was a good day. this morning is going well too, mommy had to stay with me a while longer because she had a volunteer meeting to go to a the school...up, gotta go, cya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ryan...I'm glad things are going better at school. It's hard once you get out of a routine to get back into one. My parents and I just had a great vacation and then WHAM! they drop me off at daycare yesterday and I didn't know what hit me! I was a mess! So, I feel your pain dude...after hanging out with the parental units all the time then have that stop stinks! And as you know we have the coolest parents ever!!! Anyway...keep us posted on school. BTW...what are you gonna be for Halloween? I hope my mom doesn't pick out something too dorky for me this year. Last year I was Tigger. That's too cutesy for me now that I'm a big bad toddler. :)