Been a while since I last updated, Daddy has been quite busy lately. He said he would take some time to update for me today though.
Well...this is my last week at home and its been a pretty eventful weekfor the most part. This morning was meet the teacher day at school, so mommy and I went to the school and hung out in my classroom for a couple hours. My class has 16 other kids in it, and I am the 2nd youngest. 11 of the 17 kids are boys too. (stats all provided by mommy)
anyway, i really like the classroom, everything in there is MY size and i can play with all of it. i was so disappointed when we had to leave and go home, but mommy said i will have plenty of time to play there. tonight all of us are going back for parent orientation night. mommy said i will get to play while her and daddy get to learn about my school. playing sounds good to me man.
last night pop pop and oma came over for dinner. we had a nice time, and i showed them some fo my dining tricks. they are going to watch me a for a while in October i think. No one told me this, but i picked it up from some of the conversations going on last night.
i have really been practicing with my words and doing well. daddy is always surprised when I walk out of his office and say bye bye. i still find that when I can't remember a word for something, i can usually just scream really loud to get my point across. i know this drives "them" crazy, but oh well.
tuesday i spent the whole day with mom mom and pop pop bill. we went to applebees for lunch (still never get to go anywhere with momma and daddy), then to teh carousel horse farm. It was great fun. Mom MOm gives me whatever I want and I love spending time with her. She seems to be able to read my mind, like for example, i might be thinking, " about a cookie" and before i say it, mom mom is there giving me a cookie and some yogurt ("wowurt")! WOW!
monday mommy and i went to millburn orchards nad it was really cool. we saw some goats and some baby cows and mommy even fed a cow. i thought she might get down there and try to milk one, but it never happened. it was neat there and you can pick fruit and hang out with animals.
sooo...that was my week. this weekend mommy is preparing me for a lot of inside time. she said we are supposed to get lots and lots of rain. lets hope not though. daddy says the weather people are alarmist and rarely get the forecast right. we'll see who's opinion prevails! talk to you all later!
31 August 2006
22 August 2006
one cool college
about 2 weeks till school starts and we have been busy busy busy. this weekend mommy and daddy took me to their old college, the university of Delaware. It seemed pretty cool. they had lots of bricks, and steps. buildings with big columns, fountains and trees. there is a street with stores and restaurants too. sounds like a pretty good place, could have used some more playgrounds though. how do people go to school without a big twisty slide or swings?!?
yesterday I went and got my hair cut again. It was SCARY! The woman was cutting my hairs and then all of a sudden she put this large loud buzzing thing toward my head. though mommy said it was OK, i was not having any of that! we also got to go to a gigantic toy store and i played with lots of toys. mommy bought me this great red car that i can ride on, oh and a dancing elmo. the car is awesome, the dancing elmo is cool too. i put it on my new desk that daddy brought home from mom-mom's house. we also brought home all of daddy's smurfs from when he was a little boy like me and played with them. all of these things are great but not sure any will replace my Thomas the Train train set and tracks!!
oh and i forgot to tell you all...last friday my new teacher came over to our house for a visit. she was really nice. her name is Valerie, and she brought the teacher's assistant (whose name we can't remember at this point). they were both really nice, and i showed them my toys, and my house. i hope they can teach me lots of great things. maybe like how to use the potty. i have seen daddy do it and it looks really fun. not sure i understand the whole process yet, but soon they tell me, "soon". school should be fun though, even though I will definitely miss seing mommy and daddy and lucy all day long...
yesterday I went and got my hair cut again. It was SCARY! The woman was cutting my hairs and then all of a sudden she put this large loud buzzing thing toward my head. though mommy said it was OK, i was not having any of that! we also got to go to a gigantic toy store and i played with lots of toys. mommy bought me this great red car that i can ride on, oh and a dancing elmo. the car is awesome, the dancing elmo is cool too. i put it on my new desk that daddy brought home from mom-mom's house. we also brought home all of daddy's smurfs from when he was a little boy like me and played with them. all of these things are great but not sure any will replace my Thomas the Train train set and tracks!!
oh and i forgot to tell you all...last friday my new teacher came over to our house for a visit. she was really nice. her name is Valerie, and she brought the teacher's assistant (whose name we can't remember at this point). they were both really nice, and i showed them my toys, and my house. i hope they can teach me lots of great things. maybe like how to use the potty. i have seen daddy do it and it looks really fun. not sure i understand the whole process yet, but soon they tell me, "soon". school should be fun though, even though I will definitely miss seing mommy and daddy and lucy all day long...
15 August 2006
Happy Birthday Momma!
14 August 2006
Last Weekend - Beley Bash!
Hi everyone, just wanted to take some time to update you on our recent trip to Pittsburgh. We went out in the beginning of August for the tad less than annual "Beley Bash". We stayed with Jake and his parents.

Thanks Jake for letting us stay. Oh and thanks to Mommy and Jake's parents for giving me the opportunity to bath with another boy! That was an interesting experience. For the most part, I think we pretty much bath the same, but they have a cool hose they use to rinse off, instead of our ghetto red cup!

Also, i got to use Jake's high chair and pack and play, even better I got to play with his rather awesome toys. I hope mommy and daddy were taking note. I just can't play with the same old toys all the time. Maybe its time for a refresher guys?!?

On to the Beley Bash where I had a great time. I spent most of my day grabbing ice from the numerous coolers and eating it. It only became an issue a couple of times when I mistakenly picked up a rock or two thinking they were also ice cubes. Luckily mommy stopped me in time. Here is a four generation picture for all of your viewing pleasure! Me on the left, daddy, pop-pop, then Grandad. Pop-Pop was able to make it out of prision to spend the day with his family, which was great. (he he, just kidding!)

After a not so long trip back from Pittsburgh, it was TIME. Sunday night Hall of Fame Game, Oakland Raiders versus the Philadelphia Eagles. Here is a picture of me gearing up for the game (I had to check on bunny in the backyard to see if he was eating the vegetables mommy left out there for him). The game was great, only saw the first series, but the Eagles are looking good!!

Thanks Jake for letting us stay. Oh and thanks to Mommy and Jake's parents for giving me the opportunity to bath with another boy! That was an interesting experience. For the most part, I think we pretty much bath the same, but they have a cool hose they use to rinse off, instead of our ghetto red cup!

Also, i got to use Jake's high chair and pack and play, even better I got to play with his rather awesome toys. I hope mommy and daddy were taking note. I just can't play with the same old toys all the time. Maybe its time for a refresher guys?!?

On to the Beley Bash where I had a great time. I spent most of my day grabbing ice from the numerous coolers and eating it. It only became an issue a couple of times when I mistakenly picked up a rock or two thinking they were also ice cubes. Luckily mommy stopped me in time. Here is a four generation picture for all of your viewing pleasure! Me on the left, daddy, pop-pop, then Grandad. Pop-Pop was able to make it out of prision to spend the day with his family, which was great. (he he, just kidding!)

After a not so long trip back from Pittsburgh, it was TIME. Sunday night Hall of Fame Game, Oakland Raiders versus the Philadelphia Eagles. Here is a picture of me gearing up for the game (I had to check on bunny in the backyard to see if he was eating the vegetables mommy left out there for him). The game was great, only saw the first series, but the Eagles are looking good!!

09 August 2006
To All My Fans
Whats up! Two posts in two days!
Just thought I'd give a state of how things are going these days. Still home all day with mommy and daddy. Daddy disappears into his computer room adn shuts the door shortly after he gets me up and dresses. Then I usually don't see him. every once in a while he comes out to play with me for aminute or two, or me and mommy will step into his office for a quick visit. other than that, daddy time is usually in the night time. me and mommy have been having so much fun though. almost every day we go somewhere. lets see, for example, monday was kind of exciting because I went to pop-pop and omah's house while mommy went on a job interview, ok, not the best example. tuesday...mommy and i went to food store AND to a playgroup at the park. that was awesome. theere were some awesome climing toys for kids my size at the park. i was so zonked out after playing that i went straight to my nap. then, after i woke up, me and mommy rode over to jcpenny to exchange our bar stools. that night daddy and lucy and i played football in the backyard. daddy was showing me out to hike the ball while he ran an out route and lucy covered him. then he took me for a walk all the way to the back of our yard and showed me how tall weeds grow.
today was story time at the library. i think its the second to last one for the summer, but it was great. each week we go, and thten we get out about 5-6 new books for me to read. on the way home we stopped off to pay for my school. yes, school....
i start at the hockessin montessori school the last week of august. time for me to get some education. i will be going to school for just about the full day and learning lots of great things. i will probably meet some other smart kids, but i doubt any of them have a friggin blog man! hopefully i don't run circles around them.
thats it for now. all is going well. its been a busy time since we moved, but i can tell things are starting to calm down. the house is great, the yard is great. we can race ("wace") up and down the driveway for hours. hopefully you all can come and see the house someday. i am pretty sure lucy likes it a lot too. as for daddy, he seems pretty content, and so does mommy, though i think she thinks we live in the middle of nowhere. more as i learn that stuff.
hope you are all well!
Just thought I'd give a state of how things are going these days. Still home all day with mommy and daddy. Daddy disappears into his computer room adn shuts the door shortly after he gets me up and dresses. Then I usually don't see him. every once in a while he comes out to play with me for aminute or two, or me and mommy will step into his office for a quick visit. other than that, daddy time is usually in the night time. me and mommy have been having so much fun though. almost every day we go somewhere. lets see, for example, monday was kind of exciting because I went to pop-pop and omah's house while mommy went on a job interview, ok, not the best example. tuesday...mommy and i went to food store AND to a playgroup at the park. that was awesome. theere were some awesome climing toys for kids my size at the park. i was so zonked out after playing that i went straight to my nap. then, after i woke up, me and mommy rode over to jcpenny to exchange our bar stools. that night daddy and lucy and i played football in the backyard. daddy was showing me out to hike the ball while he ran an out route and lucy covered him. then he took me for a walk all the way to the back of our yard and showed me how tall weeds grow.
today was story time at the library. i think its the second to last one for the summer, but it was great. each week we go, and thten we get out about 5-6 new books for me to read. on the way home we stopped off to pay for my school. yes, school....
i start at the hockessin montessori school the last week of august. time for me to get some education. i will be going to school for just about the full day and learning lots of great things. i will probably meet some other smart kids, but i doubt any of them have a friggin blog man! hopefully i don't run circles around them.
thats it for now. all is going well. its been a busy time since we moved, but i can tell things are starting to calm down. the house is great, the yard is great. we can race ("wace") up and down the driveway for hours. hopefully you all can come and see the house someday. i am pretty sure lucy likes it a lot too. as for daddy, he seems pretty content, and so does mommy, though i think she thinks we live in the middle of nowhere. more as i learn that stuff.
hope you are all well!
08 August 2006
Wedding! Behind....
Sorry folks, I am really behind in my posting. hard to keep up with all of these events. Just got back from the Beley Bash, but wanted to post about the wedding first!
Wow...great wedding. I think my second one, aunt beth and uncle pj's last fall was my first. this one was outside which made it really hot out. but it was OK because I got to see some cool boats, oh, and get this, there was a live horsee there!
Friday night started out with the rehearsal dinner. As soon as daddy was done with work for the day we got ready and headed on over to mom-mom's. Poor Lucy ("dog") had to stay home, but no doubt she had a good time. Daddy got all the drinks and put them into a cooler. AFter a while, everyone arrived and it was a nice party. I played outside with all the girls and michael. daddy came out and we played soccer in the backyard. Still not so sure about kicking things. I just don't see why we need to kick if I can pick it up and stick it in my mouth with my hands....

Sat we got up and I had an early nap before we left for the wedding. When I got there I noticed a funny white blanket on the ground. Someone had left this there maybe from the night before. It looked pretty clean so I gave it a test walk. All was good. But boy it was hot so I settled down with a cup of water for a while.
As we all gathered around we all had a lot of catching up to do from the previous night (not really). I think Uncle Mark was running late or something, so daddy took the opportunity to teach me about being on time. then i overheard him telling someone that since we moved to PA that this was the first event we were on time to.
So then out of the corner of my eye I saw some one I had never seen before. The glitter dress girls! They were really cool and they had this great glitter on their dresses. Every time I got close I couldn't help but
reach for the glitter and end up pulling on their dresses. I spent a lot of the day chasing these girls around trying to get their glitter.
But before we knew it the wedding ceremony had started and finished. All of my cousins read a poe
m on stage (WOW!) and then they had to pour sand into a glass jar. Then at the end Aunt Jen and Uncle Mark had a kiss, kind of like mommy and daddy do. the lady behind them told them it was OK so they did. this now makes them married and we can start the party!

So we darted across the dock of the Chesapeake Inn and went inside the air
conditioning. We hall had a great time, and I did some dancing and girl chasing. Daddy let me order his drinks at the
bar and he also a few straws. By the end of let me play with the day, I was
exhausted! Much of my time at the party was spent being hounded by girls and by the end of the party, I had had just about enough. I mean, I love my cousins and all, but give a man some space! :)
Wow...great wedding. I think my second one, aunt beth and uncle pj's last fall was my first. this one was outside which made it really hot out. but it was OK because I got to see some cool boats, oh, and get this, there was a live horsee there!
Friday night started out with the rehearsal dinner. As soon as daddy was done with work for the day we got ready and headed on over to mom-mom's. Poor Lucy ("dog") had to stay home, but no doubt she had a good time. Daddy got all the drinks and put them into a cooler. AFter a while, everyone arrived and it was a nice party. I played outside with all the girls and michael. daddy came out and we played soccer in the backyard. Still not so sure about kicking things. I just don't see why we need to kick if I can pick it up and stick it in my mouth with my hands....

Sat we got up and I had an early nap before we left for the wedding. When I got there I noticed a funny white blanket on the ground. Someone had left this there maybe from the night before. It looked pretty clean so I gave it a test walk. All was good. But boy it was hot so I settled down with a cup of water for a while.
As we all gathered around we all had a lot of catching up to do from the previous night (not really). I think Uncle Mark was running late or something, so daddy took the opportunity to teach me about being on time. then i overheard him telling someone that since we moved to PA that this was the first event we were on time to.

But before we knew it the wedding ceremony had started and finished. All of my cousins read a poe

So we darted across the dock of the Chesapeake Inn and went inside the air

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