23 May 2006

Tues - bam bam


Got your attention eh? my newest trick. scream as loud as i can to get people to react. Works ever time.

Here is the scenario:
Your in a room, everyone is watching your every move. Cracking up at your antics, marveling at your cuteness. Then all of a sudden something happens to shift the focus of the room, say a conversation, or a visitor comes. All of a sudden, you are standing there with no audience.
Whammo, your audience is back! Works everytime folks.

I don't see a lot of older people doing this. Though daddy does a lot of yelling around the house at me and lucy. the man needs to come down a bit! sorry daddy if you are reading this, but hey, lucy is only 2, i am only 1, someday we will be the perfect angels you want us to be, just not yet! ;)

had a great weekend at the cystic fibrosis walk and the dinner before. got to see most of my aunts and uncles this weekend and cousins too. getting ready for the baby barrage that is coming this summer and fall. my newest cousin riley is still pretty queit and not much into playing, but that will change soon. after the walk mommy and daddy left to look at more houses again. they came home somewhat happy.

things are happening fast around here though, it seems like everyday is a new thing to talk about with all the houses.

miss C is going on vacation tomorrow and won't be in school. its a shame cause she is so nice to me, and always gives me food! fooooood!

ok peeps, talk to you later!

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