21 February 2006

Tues - Bday Party Weekend

Hi Everyone, for those of you that came over for my birthday party, thanks for coming! We had a great time. It was pretty neat seeing all those people squeeze into our house. I sat on the floor a lot and played. Luckily my cousing Summer came and kept me company. Otherwise it was mostly adults, but it was great to see everyone. I often forget what people look like (give me a break, i am trying to learn how to walk/talk/eat, luckily I was born with the ability to type in my blog!!)

I think my favorite part of the party was when everyone gathered into the dining room. And all at once, everyone starting singing! Man, I got a kick out of that. It was like a big chorus in our house!

Hopefully daddy will be posting the pictures on his site soon, but I know he's been pretty busy. I think mommy and daddy are waiting for me to start walking. I have shown them that I can stand on my own, and I can even stand and clap at teh same time. Just a matter of time before I take a successful step. I tried to step the other night but fell into mommy's arms.

ok, gotta go practice my balance...see ya!

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