09 February 2006

thu - boo boo no more

yesterday, doc successfully removed my hemangioma. it was aweful for about 10 minutes, but its over now. in about a week or so, my wound should heal into a small little scar. then when i am older, much older, i can impress the chics with my scar. he he.

here is how the day unfolded. sitting and playing at day care, la la la. in comes daddy, and i am thinking, great, he came to play with me at lunch time, just like he used to. as i am crawling over to him i hear the mention of the D word. he then grabs me, applies some sort of creme to my wound and whisks me off. details get shady because in the car i fell asleep. Before i know it we are in the waiting room adn mommy shows up. they call us into the room, but the nurse (who looks so nice) is having problems with the computer in that room. So...we switch rooms...

then the three of us are hanging out, playing and waiting. and waiting...and waiting. it was now 20 minutes afer our appt time, and daddy and i saw the doctor arriving to the building through the window. this sparks a heated debate between mommy and daddy about appointment times and being polite.

finally doc shows up, nurse wraps me in a tight swaddle in a sheet and hollllly cazollee. details are sketchy here as i was writhing in pain, but they involve an injection, a scalpel, and some sort of burning device.

Finally it was over adn we went home. I slept most of the afternoon. Glad its over. Daddy said I was pretty tough and that he was proud of me. Mommy looked a little shaken, but she assured me i would be ok. Good news...I was!

So, one more week of band aids and healing cream, then back to normalcy again! Its been a long few weeks!

Thanks eveyrone for your concern!

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