15 February 2006

Wed - Quick Update

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! My birthday was great...wow...one year...its gone by fast.

Hope everyone had a nice valentine's day. It was pajama day at day care so everyone got to wear their pajamas all day long. It was pretty neat. Then, since a lot of kids weren't there on monday we had a little birthday celebration for me. Mommy had brought in treats and little gifts for everyone and it was a lot of fun. I hope to post some pictures some day of this place i call daycare!

Oh and last night i had my one year doctor appointment. man, if i have to go to one more doctor...btw...i think i do have to go get blood drawn to get a led test (just standard practice), so gee...can't wait. Two shots last night, made me just about go berzerk. All these doctors and nurses want to do is hold me down and stick me with things or scrape things off. its getting old...if they think i am going to be so cheery about going to the doctor next time, they have another thing coming...

Some stats....
Weight: 26 lbs. 4oz. (90th percentile) - up 3 pounds from my 9 month checkup
Height: 29 in - (average, no percentile) - up 1 inch from my 9 month checkup

Whole milk is on the way. I think mommy and daddy are pretty excited at the prospect of not having to make formula anymore! Oh, and all that stuff that I couldn't eat before, well, most of it, i can now.

And...this is a bit embarassing...but...
I got mistaken for a little girl last night at the dr. i had my pj's on and my long hair was flowing. don't think daddy or mommy took too kindly to the woman who mistakenly identified me. maybe daddy will take me for a hair cut soon. its been a topic of conversation around the house lately.

Ok...thats it for now! Hope you are all doing great!

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