i meant to post yesterday but we are all back. had an awesome weekend with Oma and PopPop at their house, Mommy and Daddy had a great weekend in upstate New York, and Lucy had a great time with Cassidy at Uncle Jim and Aunt Tracy's house.
we did a number of things each day at Oma and PopPop's house. They go out a lot, not like Mommy and Daddy. We went shopping a lot and out to lunch and it was great. even got to go to sunday school when we went to church on sunday. they don't have that at my church!
anyway, it was a great time and i was happy to see mommy and daddy come home. i was napping when they came to pick me up and for whatever reason they decided to wake me up. i was pretty tired after this fun weekend so I wasn't that happy about that. i gave them a smile but then realized how tired i still was, then I let them have it and cried most of the way home. unfortunately i didn't get a great chance to say bye to Oma and PopPop because i was crying but i am sure i will see them again. anyway...by the time we got back it was already late. daddy said daylight savings was over and that i thought it was later than it was. i was hungry man! I golfed down some dinner and calmed down and then I let them see how excited i was to be home.
so back to life and reality. we dropped mommy's car off at the shop yesterday and have to pick it up today before we trick or treat. we are not allowed to dress up at school, but as soon as i get home i am putting my football player uniform on and we are heading out to get candy. then coming home to hand it out! its gonna be awesome!! last night someone "Ghosted" us, which means they put a ghost on our door and ran, leaving a note and some candy behind. daddy disappeared soon after to return the favor to two other unspecting neighbors. his stories were really funny about sneaking around in the dark and not being sure about dogs, and deer wondering around. he remembered this happening in Maplewood. Mommy and Daddy both seemed pleased to have been ghosted!
Ok, hope you all have a great halloween! i hope to get some pictures posted of me in my costume.
31 October 2006
26 October 2006
have a good weekend mommy and daddy!
well, i know i am gonna miss them. today after school they are taking me to PopPop and Oma's house. I am going to stay with them until Sunday. Mommy and Daddy are heading to upstate New York for a wedding on Saturday. Its a 6 hour trip. I think they are excited to get a way together but i also think they are going to miss my cute little smile! I am going to try to learn some new words this week and impress them when they get home.
i hope they remember to take a picture of me with them so they don't miss me too much!
Oh, and have a good weekend to you too lucy! Lucy is going to Uncle Jim and Aunt Tracy's house. She is going to go and hang out with Cassidy (their dog) all weekend. Lucy has been really missing Cassidy since she stayed at our house this past weekend, so it will be a nice reunion for them.
Hope you guys all have a good weekend too! I hope daddy remember to bring over all my stuff. I already know that there are some really cool toys at their house though, so there should be plenty of things to do. Ok, thats it for now. Love you Mommy and Love you Daddy!! I'll miss you lots and lots.
Oh...special note to Mom-Mom. Thanks for making us dinner last night and have a good trip to Florida with PopPop Bill and Aunt Louise! Love all you guys too!!!
i hope they remember to take a picture of me with them so they don't miss me too much!
Oh, and have a good weekend to you too lucy! Lucy is going to Uncle Jim and Aunt Tracy's house. She is going to go and hang out with Cassidy (their dog) all weekend. Lucy has been really missing Cassidy since she stayed at our house this past weekend, so it will be a nice reunion for them.
Hope you guys all have a good weekend too! I hope daddy remember to bring over all my stuff. I already know that there are some really cool toys at their house though, so there should be plenty of things to do. Ok, thats it for now. Love you Mommy and Love you Daddy!! I'll miss you lots and lots.
Oh...special note to Mom-Mom. Thanks for making us dinner last night and have a good trip to Florida with PopPop Bill and Aunt Louise! Love all you guys too!!!
23 October 2006
big mouse, a party, and more dogs!
hi everyone! what a weekend. how was all of yours?
well, on friday night when I got home from school we had a visitor! this visitor was in the form of a big yellow dog named Cassie. she is uncle jim and aunt tracy's dog and she stayed with us this weekend while they took lexa to meet my NEWEST cousin Olivia! btw...i don't think i ever announced the birth of olivia lorraine waleski, daughter to uncle wasil and aunt jenn and sister to my cousin the chase-man. anyway...it was quite a scene with lucy and cassie ("dog" and "dog") running around, bumping into me, scrumming around with eachother. it was pretty entertaining.
saturday we woke up and went straight to mom-moms house. daddy and mommy had to go to my school to learn about teaching methods or something. mom mom and i went to dover for summer's birthday party at chuck E cheese. it was amazing there! big animals, games, rides, you name it. got to have pizza for lunch and got to have some birthday cake! it was great. happy birthday to my cousin summer who is a number of years old that i don't quite know yet. i do know TWO, but thats about it. daddy always laughs at my pronunciation of the word two ("TEEYOU").
sunday was topped off with a visit from Granpa and a quite cold fall day. I missed the whole Eagles game, and daddy says I am lucky. he didn't seem to want to discuss it! hope you guys all had a great weekend. this coming weekend i am staying with oma and pop pop for the weekend while mommy and daddy go to a wedding far far north. they said that they will miss me. i will miss them too, but i think it will be fun to hang out with pop pop and oma. oma always has fun things planned for me to do!
add "bone" and "pieces" to my vocabulary.
add "peepee" and "baby" to my vocabulary. oh, and "cow". and "shoes" (or "SHEEYOUS").
well, on friday night when I got home from school we had a visitor! this visitor was in the form of a big yellow dog named Cassie. she is uncle jim and aunt tracy's dog and she stayed with us this weekend while they took lexa to meet my NEWEST cousin Olivia! btw...i don't think i ever announced the birth of olivia lorraine waleski, daughter to uncle wasil and aunt jenn and sister to my cousin the chase-man. anyway...it was quite a scene with lucy and cassie ("dog" and "dog") running around, bumping into me, scrumming around with eachother. it was pretty entertaining.
saturday we woke up and went straight to mom-moms house. daddy and mommy had to go to my school to learn about teaching methods or something. mom mom and i went to dover for summer's birthday party at chuck E cheese. it was amazing there! big animals, games, rides, you name it. got to have pizza for lunch and got to have some birthday cake! it was great. happy birthday to my cousin summer who is a number of years old that i don't quite know yet. i do know TWO, but thats about it. daddy always laughs at my pronunciation of the word two ("TEEYOU").
sunday was topped off with a visit from Granpa and a quite cold fall day. I missed the whole Eagles game, and daddy says I am lucky. he didn't seem to want to discuss it! hope you guys all had a great weekend. this coming weekend i am staying with oma and pop pop for the weekend while mommy and daddy go to a wedding far far north. they said that they will miss me. i will miss them too, but i think it will be fun to hang out with pop pop and oma. oma always has fun things planned for me to do!
add "bone" and "pieces" to my vocabulary.
add "peepee" and "baby" to my vocabulary. oh, and "cow". and "shoes" (or "SHEEYOUS").
18 October 2006
Jake's Surgery Update
Happy to report:
Great news and happy recovery Jake!
Hi all,Just wanted to send a quick note that Jake’s surgery went very well and he is recovering just fine. The procedure took about 2 hours and only about 1% of Jake’s total lung tissue had to be removed. He’s a little sore but really doing great all things considered.
Feel free to pass forward this along to anyone I may have missed. We’ll post more updates on our website as we get a little more settled. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.Jimmy (and Kelly & Jake)
16 October 2006
Been quite a while
Hi everyone "hi" (I can say that now).
I know its been a while. I keep giving daddy updates, but he has been really busy with work. all weekend he worked , so he said maybe if he got some time monday.
had a great weekened and a great week. last week's highlight was wed night at school for the ICE cream Social at school! it was great. there was some big meeting in the library and then afterward we went into the gym and ate some ice cream! it was great. before that, on sunday, so many of you guys came over to watch the cowboys get stomped by the eagles, and that was awesome! i think about 10 of us must have had mcnabb jersey's on!! :)
this past weekend my teacher from school, miss susan came over to babysit me while daddy adn mommy took mommom up to wishes and dreams for the cystic fibrosis gala. they had a good time and so did I. she showed me some cool stuff to do with stickers and all that.
not too much else going on right now. we are doing food tasting in school and this week is one of my all time favorite foods, bananas! each day we taste the food, and each week we change foods. last week was apples, red apples, green apples, and oh, on thursday we MADE apple sauce! I got to help put the apples in the mix.
school has been really fun though. i met this great girl named Katie and she really helps me out a lot with stuff at school. she is really nice.
one last note...best wishes to my buddy Jake who is having lung surgery today. hope you do so well jake, and can't wait to hear from you again soon. might be a while beofre you can post on my blog, but i am sure daddy and mommy will keep us in the loop. we said an extra special prayer at dinner last night for you. I encourage all you other readers to do the same.
I know its been a while. I keep giving daddy updates, but he has been really busy with work. all weekend he worked , so he said maybe if he got some time monday.
had a great weekened and a great week. last week's highlight was wed night at school for the ICE cream Social at school! it was great. there was some big meeting in the library and then afterward we went into the gym and ate some ice cream! it was great. before that, on sunday, so many of you guys came over to watch the cowboys get stomped by the eagles, and that was awesome! i think about 10 of us must have had mcnabb jersey's on!! :)
this past weekend my teacher from school, miss susan came over to babysit me while daddy adn mommy took mommom up to wishes and dreams for the cystic fibrosis gala. they had a good time and so did I. she showed me some cool stuff to do with stickers and all that.
not too much else going on right now. we are doing food tasting in school and this week is one of my all time favorite foods, bananas! each day we taste the food, and each week we change foods. last week was apples, red apples, green apples, and oh, on thursday we MADE apple sauce! I got to help put the apples in the mix.
school has been really fun though. i met this great girl named Katie and she really helps me out a lot with stuff at school. she is really nice.
one last note...best wishes to my buddy Jake who is having lung surgery today. hope you do so well jake, and can't wait to hear from you again soon. might be a while beofre you can post on my blog, but i am sure daddy and mommy will keep us in the loop. we said an extra special prayer at dinner last night for you. I encourage all you other readers to do the same.
03 October 2006
"ee", pumpkins, and dogs everywhere!
"ee" and deer, beer, pee pee. i have the sound down. its a milestone for me because i haven't done much saying of words with those types of sounds. but this past week i added them to my vocabulary. I love saying deer becuase I can finally describe the "nors" in the back yard. they are deer!! pee pee is cool too. i have been seeing daddy pee pee lately and then he waves buh bye to the pee pee as it flows down the toilet bowl. neat. just awesome stuff.
mommy says i have become quite the help around the house too. helping her with the laundry and the dishwasher and even setting the table. its been great fun. daddy has been using my services too. this week we cut the lawn together! it was awesome riding on the mower and going around the turns. then i helped him set up the sprinkler for the past couple nights too. you wonder why i am so tired at night!! anyone say child labor laws?! he he.
we had a good weekend, saturday was my school's fall festival where i proceeded to not enjoy the moonbounce, and win lots of great prizes including a nice wooden train whistle. the bigger kids went down this HUGE blowup slide that was as tall as our house. that wasa pretty good time there. i won adn ate a lolly pop and then we stopped by mom-mom's for dinner. sunday we went pumpkin picking (attaching a few pictures) after the picnic we were supposed to go to got rained out. The final pictures are from monday when we picked up Cassidy and brought her over to our house to play with Lucy. They had a great time running around!!

Hope you all are doing well! School is going great. Tuesday night is mommy's class night so me and daddy are going to hang out. he always finds something really fun for us to do.
oh...go Eagles!! Beat the Packers last night (as we all suspected). this week the moo's are coming to town with TeeeOh. Daddy thinks its the same cowboys from brokeback mountain, whatever that means. all i know is, we better win!!
mommy says i have become quite the help around the house too. helping her with the laundry and the dishwasher and even setting the table. its been great fun. daddy has been using my services too. this week we cut the lawn together! it was awesome riding on the mower and going around the turns. then i helped him set up the sprinkler for the past couple nights too. you wonder why i am so tired at night!! anyone say child labor laws?! he he.
we had a good weekend, saturday was my school's fall festival where i proceeded to not enjoy the moonbounce, and win lots of great prizes including a nice wooden train whistle. the bigger kids went down this HUGE blowup slide that was as tall as our house. that wasa pretty good time there. i won adn ate a lolly pop and then we stopped by mom-mom's for dinner. sunday we went pumpkin picking (attaching a few pictures) after the picnic we were supposed to go to got rained out. The final pictures are from monday when we picked up Cassidy and brought her over to our house to play with Lucy. They had a great time running around!!

Hope you all are doing well! School is going great. Tuesday night is mommy's class night so me and daddy are going to hang out. he always finds something really fun for us to do.
oh...go Eagles!! Beat the Packers last night (as we all suspected). this week the moo's are coming to town with TeeeOh. Daddy thinks its the same cowboys from brokeback mountain, whatever that means. all i know is, we better win!!
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