04 April 2006

Tues - Just Chillin

Hi Guys,
had a great weekend in the sunny warm weather! we spent a lot of time outside and i got to walk on two new surfaces, grass and brick, for the first time ever! I also got to taste wood chips and pebbles. I love tasting new things. Lucy does too, especially wood chips, i was her taste tester. i think she appreciated it. daddy thinks lucy is annoyed by me and my antics, but little does he know how much she loves and appreciates me!! she loves the "mow-down" game where I chase her with my little walker all over the house. she loves when i take chew toys right out of her mouth, and she loves when i pet her too. those low rumbles are doggy laughter daddy!

there was also some sort of a shift in time this weekend. not sure what is going on but it is darker when i get up and lighter when i go to bed. not sure what that is all about but i know daddy and mommy have been complaining about my awake time lately.... whatever dudes.... i mean, wake up already, lets get this day started!

Seriously though, you want me to go to bed at 8 and sleep past 6, i think your dreaming. so please, don't get so irritated when I am up at 5:30am. Atleast I greet your frowns with a big smile (and sometimes even a giggle) when you come into my room!

I let on much more to my walking skill this weekend too. I heard daddy telling someone on the phone that I was walking more than crawling. Yup. When do you think he will find out I can go potty in the toilet too!? hehehe. Me and my buddy Aiden at daycare are also really curious about what is in the cabinet under the changing table. Neither of us have been able to infiltrate alone, so we are now working together. Distraction techniques, and a little luck, will get us in there. Aiden says I need to learn to mask the "little devil" eye gleam if I really want to fool Miss Pat and Miss Jan. We'll see...

Have a good one guys!

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