20 April 2006

Thu - back after a day off

well, me and daddy had a nice day off on wednesday. he picked me up early from day care on wednesday. miss pat said i had to go home since i was having some crazy poop explosions, in combination with a bad bad diaper rash and also that i got all of my clothes dirty! it was a rough morning yesterday. today has not been much better in that arena.

so since we went home early, me and daddy and lucy got to hang out all day together. we took a great wagon ride to the park and daddy and i threw the tennis ball for lucy. i got to wear my baseball cap to keep the sun out of my eyes too. daddy showed me how to wear it backwards to, he said he does that sometimes. we played outside a lot and we also played chase around the house. i can play chase now because i can move pretty darn fast on my feet.

with the fun came the unfun. the burning rash on my bum. i hope it goes away soon. the diarreah isn't fun either. also, i am noting, the faster I move the harder i fall. yesterday i fell on my face, but not before dropping my cup on teh spot where my face landed. the falling is getting old though. I'd say i must fall about 50 times a day. at school there tends to be more padding so its not too bad, but at home, its hard core wooden floors.

i think today is a big day for mommy and daddy. they keep talking about finding out. not to mention the endless cleaning...someday i will be privy to such information. maybe they just don't want me to blab about it here on my blog. not even sure that they read this stuff...

oh, and i got your package mom-mom (if your reading) so thankyou very much for the Easter card and outfit!

talk to you all soon!!! (happy birthday uncle wasil!)
oh...and crayola factory is out this weekend. not sure why. will get to the bottom of it, somehow. if only i could communicate through spoken word!


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