28 April 2006

Fri - End of April is Here

Hey Everyone! Its been a while since I posted (as usual) but we have been a very busy bunch. We are moving (I think). I finally have figured it all out, what mommy and daddy have been doing when they leave me off with mom-mom or pop-pop. they have been looking at houses. they actually took me to one that they really liked and let me sample it. i loved it, they loved, unfortunately johnny house-seller took it off the market before it could become ours. soon though mommy and daddy will find a great house for us that will be bigger and have a yard for me and lucy to play in. we will also live closer to many of my loyal readers!

we still have to sell this house and i think mommy is getting a bit frustrated. not quite as much interest as she originally anticipated, but its really only been a week or so since the house was avaialbe for showings. so, we shall see. this is a whole new adventures.

i guess it also means i am going to be leaving my school. i will let that sit awhile before i see how i feel about it. i am now the 2nd oldest in my room and once my buddy A leaves, i will be the oldest by far. perhaps this will be a good time for a change.

we had a nice visit in DE this past weekend though. i got to visit with mom-mom and pop-pop bill and pop pop and debbie. lots of visiting!! no houses found and daddy was sick, but we still had a great time. can't say as much for the long ride home on sunday afternoon. we hit some major momma traffic and that darn car seat just gets so restricting. throwing my nook is only fun for so long, plus mommy eventually catches on and stops reaching all around the car for it. she is a smart lady. daddy is no nonsense in the car. he was probably just crabby from being sick, oh, and having to drive that trip so many times!

Daddy took lucy this week to go and visit aunt beth and my new cousin riley. he hasn't shown me the pictures yet but he said she was a beautiful baby and that she was very little still. compared to me he said she was like lifting a feather. dude, i can't help it if i am carrying some weight, i will say that it is some lean and solid baby fat. watch out ladies!

hope you all are doing well!

20 April 2006

Thu - back after a day off

well, me and daddy had a nice day off on wednesday. he picked me up early from day care on wednesday. miss pat said i had to go home since i was having some crazy poop explosions, in combination with a bad bad diaper rash and also that i got all of my clothes dirty! it was a rough morning yesterday. today has not been much better in that arena.

so since we went home early, me and daddy and lucy got to hang out all day together. we took a great wagon ride to the park and daddy and i threw the tennis ball for lucy. i got to wear my baseball cap to keep the sun out of my eyes too. daddy showed me how to wear it backwards to, he said he does that sometimes. we played outside a lot and we also played chase around the house. i can play chase now because i can move pretty darn fast on my feet.

with the fun came the unfun. the burning rash on my bum. i hope it goes away soon. the diarreah isn't fun either. also, i am noting, the faster I move the harder i fall. yesterday i fell on my face, but not before dropping my cup on teh spot where my face landed. the falling is getting old though. I'd say i must fall about 50 times a day. at school there tends to be more padding so its not too bad, but at home, its hard core wooden floors.

i think today is a big day for mommy and daddy. they keep talking about finding out. not to mention the endless cleaning...someday i will be privy to such information. maybe they just don't want me to blab about it here on my blog. not even sure that they read this stuff...

oh, and i got your package mom-mom (if your reading) so thankyou very much for the Easter card and outfit!

talk to you all soon!!! (happy birthday uncle wasil!)
oh...and crayola factory is out this weekend. not sure why. will get to the bottom of it, somehow. if only i could communicate through spoken word!


18 April 2006

Tues - Been A While - Happy Easter

Hi Everyone,
Happy Easter and hope you all had a nice holiday. Mine was pretty nice. Though after comparing with some of the other kids at school, i think there was room for improvement. I heard stories of egg finding and candy. Well, my Easter dind't quite encompass all that, but we still had a nice time. Granpa came over and we went to church. we started going to the a new church, one that is closer because it only takes a few minutes to get there. I like the old one better, I think Mommy and Daddy do to. I was really good in church though. I even took a nap!! Something very peaceful about that place, always puts me into a deep sleep!

After church we came home and Granpa, Daddy, and Lucy and I all played outside while Mommy cooked our Easter dinner. Before we knew it the big ham and all the side dishes were out and we were eating. I wasn't that hungry so I didn't eat that much, but it was fun throwing ham to Lucy. She is so hungry ALL the time. Its amazing...

Then I sat with Daddy while we all chatted around the table. He gave me a sip of his drink and wow! Mommy was not happy about that, though I don't think she realizes, it hardly even made it to my mouth. Granpa said it will help me sleep better!

Not too much else going on around here. Daddy says he is going to go visit Riley my new cousin soon. we have also been straightening up arouund the house. I have noticed a lot of the furniture is moved or missing and things are really neat and clean. Not quite sure what it all means, but as usual, a new adventure and something else to learn about!

Hope you are all doing well! Did you file your taxes? If not, they are late! Thanks everyone for the cards and also thanks to Aunt Louise for the great outfit and book (and goldfish!). Thanks Pop Pop and Debbie for funding my actual Easter outfit! Picture will come soon, just have to nudge the old man to post them on our website. Mom-mom, daddy said you sent me something but think it is lost in the mail. Thanks so much for even thinking to send anything, that was very nice of you!

05 April 2006

Wed - to Daddy

ok...this is to my daddy...

i know what a dog says...whooof whooof whooof
i know what a cow says...moooooo

asking me every 5 minutes, no matter how enthralling it is for you, is not that entertaining to me!

your little buddy

04 April 2006

Tues - Just Chillin

Hi Guys,
had a great weekend in the sunny warm weather! we spent a lot of time outside and i got to walk on two new surfaces, grass and brick, for the first time ever! I also got to taste wood chips and pebbles. I love tasting new things. Lucy does too, especially wood chips, i was her taste tester. i think she appreciated it. daddy thinks lucy is annoyed by me and my antics, but little does he know how much she loves and appreciates me!! she loves the "mow-down" game where I chase her with my little walker all over the house. she loves when i take chew toys right out of her mouth, and she loves when i pet her too. those low rumbles are doggy laughter daddy!

there was also some sort of a shift in time this weekend. not sure what is going on but it is darker when i get up and lighter when i go to bed. not sure what that is all about but i know daddy and mommy have been complaining about my awake time lately.... whatever dudes.... i mean, wake up already, lets get this day started!

Seriously though, you want me to go to bed at 8 and sleep past 6, i think your dreaming. so please, don't get so irritated when I am up at 5:30am. Atleast I greet your frowns with a big smile (and sometimes even a giggle) when you come into my room!

I let on much more to my walking skill this weekend too. I heard daddy telling someone on the phone that I was walking more than crawling. Yup. When do you think he will find out I can go potty in the toilet too!? hehehe. Me and my buddy Aiden at daycare are also really curious about what is in the cabinet under the changing table. Neither of us have been able to infiltrate alone, so we are now working together. Distraction techniques, and a little luck, will get us in there. Aiden says I need to learn to mask the "little devil" eye gleam if I really want to fool Miss Pat and Miss Jan. We'll see...

Have a good one guys!