13 June 2006

Tues - Things are going well i think

can i just tell you all how much I love the outside! i mean, there is so much going on out there, there is so much to look at, and the terrain is very exciting. makes going in and getting ready for bath and bed a real bummer.

i have started noticing a routine though, and yesterday wasn't so bad. it seems that after dinner is over daddy or mommy usually take me outside to play. daddy says it is to work. he mows the lawn while I help him out with my mower. i can usually get the spots that he misses (or so he says). my mower though is not as loud as his and a lot of times it doesn't even start up till you push it a while. anyway, we usually play for a while, run into some neighbor at some point, play for a while and then daddy says, ready to go inside? Lets got put your mower away. I guess that is sort of my cue to get ready to go inside and go to bed. I didn't fight it last night because it was bath night. I learned this really really really funny trick. I think most adults know, but for you kids out there, next time you are in the tub, try it. Wait till your sitting in the water, then wave your arms like crazy splashing water everywhere! Watch your mommy and daddy run for cover while you crack up laughing!!!

The other trick I am learning is to take the cup that your daddy uses to rinse you off, fill it with water, adn practice your drinking from a cup. i am getting good at it, and fast too. The trick is, wait till daddy/mommy is soaping up your washcloth, or turning on the water, then get a quick drink in!!

So I am noticing more and more boxes in our house. Pictures coming down, things disappearing. this is all part of moving. we have to take all of our stuff from this house and move it to another house. i will carry the broom if they want, so they won't have to pack it. hopefully lucy won't take too hard to the move, though i keep hearing daddy saying that we are goign to have a big yard and a big house so we don't need to worry.
we told school about the move too. it will be very sad to leave there, especially with not knowing what is in store for me (new school?). i am sure i will be fine though, i think i am too young for it to affect me too bad!

cya guys later!

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