14 October 2005

sometimes i'm a little devil

just wanted to say quickly, good luck to aunt louise who will be having surgery on monday. mom mom and pop pop bill are going to pittsburgh to spend some time with her. me and daddy have been saying prayers for her, so we know she will be ok.

so...hows it going out there? raining you say? its been raining for about 39 days and I am wondering if Noah is going to show up with a big wooden boat soon!

Apparently I have been quite the little devil at night recently. The fact is, sometimes I just don't want to go to sleep, so come and get me mommy! what is the big deal? Sometimes I think they can't hear me so I take it up a notch with the crying, but then I will hear them talking in there. Kids at daycare were telling me about this cry it out theory, where the parents try to get their babies to learn to sooth themselves. My goodness...who knows what those rookie parents are trying out. One day at a time...thats what I tell myself!

In other news...we think Lucy has "Limber Tail". She has been out of commission for the past day or so, and daddy stayed home and is working from home today in case she needs to go to the vet. I hope she gets better. We played a little this morning on the carpet.

Speaking of playing on the carpet, I have been thinking and strategizing. Since my daddy alway is enticing me with great toys, and then putting them just out of reach (not sure what this torture technique is called), I may have the answer. I noticed that crawling or scooting to the object on my back is effective, but its hard to see the toy. I think if I move my legs and lift my butt, I may be able to get to the toy on my stomach...

see how they react to that! More to come, I will let you guys know!

Hopefully it will dry up around here, the rain is just depressing...

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