05 July 2005

starting to like the beach...

had a great holiday weekend. i didn't make it for the fireworks last night, but i did hear some bangs and pops. Daddy and Mommy watched the fireworks on tv this year, daddy was tired from being away all weekend.

we had a great time at uncle jim and aunt tracy's beach house. we got in late on friday night and left just before lunch time yesterday. Got two great days at the beach. A little girl even came up and started talking to me. She was OK, and I didn't have the heart to tell her, but her swim top was starting to fall down and reveal thigns that i shouldn't be seeing for years!

man was the boardwalk crowded though! so stimulating. i stayed up as long as i could to see as much as i could, but it was getting late. i guess i missed out on trying some of daddy or mommy's ice cream.

i just checked daddy's website, still no recent pictures. Hmmm...he did however put a link to my blog here. Oh well, he always tells me and mommy how busy he is!

should be a fairly quiet week this week. mommy is finally done real estate class, so she will be home in the evenings now for the most part. i think next week mommy said we are getting a vistitor, kelly and her son jake? not sure about this, but i am sure it will go well. nobody likes having a screaming baby around! ;)

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