Wow, all the hype thats been building up, its finally here. Today is my second birthday!! Whoo hoo!

Not only that, but it is snowing!
Just thought I'd drop a note to everyone and let you all know that I am doing well. At school right now and mommy and daddy made cupcakes last night for my birthday. we are going to celebrate in school today, hopefully we won't get snowed out though.
I have received birthday wishes from so many of you, and just wanted to say thanks! I am having a very small bday party on Saturday, so I think I will see some of you there.
As for whats been going on around here?

School is going great and I am learning so much. My speech and vocabulary is growing at leaps and bounds! I am stringing words together with ease and enjoy conversing with mommy and daddy.
Lucy has been having a field day chasing the deer in our yard. On Saturday she ran after them into the woods and daddy had to go lucy hunting for her. He found her and she was in big trouble. She has done the same thing on Sunday and yesterday too, each day getting in trouble. I think she is not as fast a learner as me! :)
Mommy and Daddy have finally taken notice of my new years resolution (that i never told them about). I have been putting all my toys away before moving onto another project or meal time. I am glad they are so proud of me.
Oh, and the potty right? I have been telling you guys all about it!

Not too much going on here, hope you are all doing well! Tomorrow is also Valentine's day, so happy Valentines day to all of you! I am taking Thomas the Train valentines for school (assuming we don't get snowed out). I have to give one to everyone in my class. They are making out this week because of me, free cupcakes today, valentines tomorrow! Oh, and tomorrow is hot dog day! whoo hoo!
cya later!!